Absence Reporting

The Student Absence policy has been suspended for the academic year to avoid confusion for students with physical attendance.

If you miss any component of your course, you will need to fill in a self-certificate of Absence. Give as much detail as you can, although in exceptional circumstances, the details can be given to Student Services (studentservices@st-andrews.ac.uk). You should also contact the School (tutor, module coordinator or Director of Teaching) to inform them of your situation and discuss any arrangements which may have to be made.

You may be required to submit supporting evidence for your absence. Your School will let you know if this is the case. You are responsible for obtaining any evidence required and any associated costs where applicable.  It is recommended that you contact Student Services (studentservices@st-andrews.ac.uk) in the first instance if the School requires evidence.

University Regulations state that if a student is absent for 2 consecutive weeks they are at risk of being awarded no credits for the module. If you are in this situation, or believe that you may be, then you should consider taking a leave of absence. You may wish to contact your adviser or Student Services (studentservices@st-andrews.ac.uk) to discuss this further.

If you are unable to sit an examination due to illness or other unavoidable reason you should do the following as soon as possible:

  • Submit a Self Certificate of Absence form.
  • Notify the Examinations Officer ONLY if there is a problem submitting a Self-Certificate - please phone +44(0)1334 46 4100.
  • Contact the School to make arrangements for deferred or alternative assessment.
  • You might also want to discuss the issues affecting you with Student Services (studentservices@st-andrews.ac.uk).