Equality Act (2010) FAQs

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What is the 'Equality Act (2010)'? 

  • Also known as the Single Equality Act (2010), refer to government legislation 
  • Became an Act in April 2010, provisions came into force in October 2010
  • Simplifies the interpretation and understanding of 116 pieces of equality laws
  • Makes it easier for employees and services users to bring cases of discrimination
  • Extends the current powers of employment tribunals by strengthening the enforcement of equality laws
  • Chapter 2 of the Act has specifics for Higher Education

Which equality laws are consolidated into the one single Act?

  • Disability Discrimination Act (DDA)
  • Employment Equality Regulations
  • Equality Act (2006)
  • Equal Pay Acts
  • Race Relations Act
  • Race Relations Amendments Act
  • Sex Discrimination Acts
  • Special Educational Needs & Disability (SENDA)
  • European Employment Directives
  • Human Rights Act

Laws have been consolidated into the following 'Protected Characteristics':

  • Age
  • Disability
  • Gender Reassignment
  • Marriage and Civil partnership
  • Pregnancy and Maternity (including Paternity)
  • Race (colour, ethnic or national background)
  • Religion or Belief (including non-belief)
  • Sex
  • Sexual Orientation

What are the recommended actions for Schools and Units to take?   

To ensure that the University is compliant, the 'Single Equality Outcomes Scheme' was developed for alignment to the Act.  Guidance was provided via the 'Equality Manager Briefing' (Oct 2010/Jan 2011) Download: Single Equality Act Manager Briefing (PDF, 314 KB)