Rates of Pay

Hourly rates of pay for flexible work (November 2024).

 Area Job Title Rate of Pay** Based on
Research Research Assistant £16.65 Grade 5, point 23
Teaching* Laboratory / Workshop Demonstrator (Assistant) £14.13 Grade 4, point 17
  Laboratory / Workshop Demonstrator (Lead) £16.65 Grade 5, point 23
  Lecturer £20.16 Grade 6, point 30
  Tutoring £16.65 Grade 5, point 23
Admissions Student Ambassadors £12.60 Grade 1, point 7
Development - Telephone Campaigns Telephone Campaign Caller £12.60 Grade 2, point 8
  Training for Telephone Campaign Caller £12.60 Grade 1, point 7
Residential & Business Services / Estates Housekeeping £12.60 Grade 1, point 7
  Kitchen Portering £12.60 Grade 1, point 7
  Food Preparation


Grade 1, point 7
  Cleaning £12.60 Grade 1, point 7
Invigilating Chief Invigilators £13.81 Grade 3, point 16
  Invigilators £12.60 Grade 2, point 10
Clerical Standard clerical work (e.g. filing, data entry, reception duties, etc.) £12.60 Grade 1, point 7


* For further information on payment for preparation, marking, attending meetings etc please see Hourly paid casual teaching staff.

** Please note this hourly rate does not include any potential associated on-costs that may apply when payment is made though payroll (NI ers, App Levy or pension ers costs).  Further information can be obtained from your FAS team if this is required for budgetting purposes.

Other rates

  • Where the flexible work is to provide cover for an existing role within the School/Unit that has already been graded please detail this on the flexible worker contract (i.e. covering work for X at Grade Y) - the pay rate in this situation should be based on the first point of the appropriate grade;
  • For all other flexible work, where the rate has not been authorised, please contact the HERA Team on ext: 1650 (hera@st-andrews.ac.uk) with details of the role prior to the work being undertaken in order that the rate of pay can be confirmed.

Please ensure that, for any flexible work, a contract is completed and submitted to Salaries prior to any work being undertaken.

All hourly rates noted above will increase in line with cost of living awards.