St Andrews collaboration with Converge

Converge is the leading entrepreneurial development programme for all Scottish University staff, students and recent graduates.

Their mission is to empower people to take their future into their own hands. They do this by providing intensive business training tailored to academic entrepreneurs, a dynamic and supportive network, one to one guidance for University staff, students and graduates, and funding competitions with game-changing cash prizes!

‌Organisational and Staff Development Services (OSDS), the Centre for Educational Enhancement and Development (CEED) the Careers Centre, the Technology Transfer Centre (TTC), Research and Innovation Services (RIS) and the new Entrepreneurship Centre collectively collaborate with Converge to provide training and support for St Andrews staff and students with a bright idea. 

All staff and students are welcome to apply for the funding competitions described below and attend any face-to-face / online Converge Enterprise activities.

Funding competitions

Thinking of taking the entrepreneurial leap? Let Converge guide you through the ups and downs of starting a business. 
Open to staff, students and recent graduates across all of Scotland’s universities, Converge is the go-to platform of choice for academic entrepreneurs looking to commercialise their research, business idea or innovation.  
Even if you’re a complete beginner with no experience of starting a business, Converge can help springboard your idea from concept to reality through intensive training, 1-2-1 support, connections and professional advice from their network of industry partners. There are also game-changing, equity-free cash prizes to be won to get your business off the ground!   
Interested? Choose from one of the four categories below: 

  • Converge Challenge – open to high-calibre, innovative projects with serious growth potential  
  • Create Change Challenge – open to innovators looking to use their creativity as a tool for change 
  • Net Zero Challenge – sponsored by SSE, this category is for climate-conscious entrepreneurs developing low-carbon solutions for a fairer, greener world 
  • KickStart Challenge – this category is for early-stage entrepreneurs embarking on the first steps of the commercialisation journey 

For more information, and to apply, visit

Converge workshop series

All external Converge-led events can be booked directly through the Converge Workshops webpage.

Converge's workshop series is just the ticket for any prospective applicants who may be considering entrepreneurship as a career option.

Running from January right through to the end of March, they will cover essential topics including intellectual property, business models, funding and routes to market. They will also explain the four challenge categories in detail and demonstrate what the judges look for in a winning submission.

You can find the full workshop schedule here.

The Converge Team are also able to offer 1-2-1 sessions either via Zoom or on the telephone. 

For more details, E-mail 

Keep up to date

Staff can keep up to date with the latest development opportunities (tailored by cohort), by joining the OSDS Development MS Team.