University Court
The University Court is the governing body of the University. The Court has overall responsibility for the governance of the University, including all aspects of strategic planning and the management of resources — financial, human and physical. This responsibility comes via Acts of Parliament, which give the Court authority over all of the University’s property and revenues, as well as the power to review the decisions of the Senate.
The University Court meets in St Andrews on a quarterly basis. Minutes from Court meetings are publicly available after each meeting. The Universities (Scotland) Acts, 1858-1966, and ordinances and resolutions made in accordance with these acts, regulate the present constitution and government of the University, and are outlined in the ordinances and resolutions section.
Notice of Promulgation
Resolution of the University Court 2024 No. 1 – Advanced Artist Diploma (Art Dip (ADV))
In accordance with the terms of the Universities (Scotland ) Act 1966, University Court Promulgation Notice 2024 No. 1 (PDF) is made available for inspection for period of 4 weeks.
Any comments should be directed to the Court Office by Thursday 6 March 2025.
Please note the promulgated version of the document has been transposed to accessible format.
The University Court has a number of standing committees:
- audit and risk committee (including academic, University ethics and health and safety assurance groups)
- governance and nominations committee
- planning and resources committee (including the investment and treasury assurance group)
- remuneration committee
- superannuation and life assurance scheme.