2. Downloading Exam Scripts

After the exam has closed (which will be 24hrs plus the exam duration) staff will be able to access and download the exam scripts.

To download individual exam scripts:

  1. Access the Online Exam tool for a module by clicking the Online Exam link under the module title on the Modules page in MMS , or in the My Modules portlet on the Academic Activities workspace in MySaint.
  2. The Online Exam tool overview has a table listing all students on the module and their submissions.
  3. Locate the student in the table.
  4. Select the link in the Submission column to download the submission (if there is no link the student has not submitted)

To download a zip file of all exam scripts:

  1. Access the Online Exam tool for a module by clicking the Online Exam link under the module title on the Modules page in MMS , or in the My Modules portlet on the Academic Activities workspace in MySaint.
  2. The Online Exam tool overview has a table listing all students on the module and their submissions.
  3. Scroll down to underneath the table
  4. Select the Download all submissions as a single Zip file link
  5. The Zip file will begin downloading – for large modules this may take a few moments.



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