Frequently asked questions


My connection times out without response

The most likely explanation is that you are trying to connect from outside the St Andrews network, but are not connected to the VPN. See the connect to VPN page for more information on downloading, installing, and using the Cisco AnyConnect client.

My ssh key is refused (NOT YET RELEVANT TO HYPATIA)

Make sure that your .ssh directory (both on kennedy and locally, if you are working from a Linux-based OS or cygwin) are not readable by anybody else. Ssh will refuse connections if the key file is not sufficiently protected. You can protect it with the command

chmod go-rwx ~/.ssh

If using cygwin, make sure that neither the owner nor their group is "nobody" or "None". This is considered insecure even if the formal permissions are correct. You can usually change this with the command

chown -R $USER:users ~/.ssh

If this does not help, send the output from the command

ls -al ~/.ssh

to the system administrator at