14th Arché Graduate Conference: Call for Papers
The Arché Philosophical Research Centre at the University of St Andrews is pleased to announce the 14th Arché Graduate Conference. The conference will be held...
Continue ReadingThe Arché Philosophical Research Centre at the University of St Andrews is pleased to announce the 14th Arché Graduate Conference. The conference will be held...
Continue ReadingThe aim of this workshop is to bring together scholars to discuss the nature and methodology of social metaphysics. Interest in social metaphysics in recent...
Continue ReadingEvent Description Might reality itself be indeterminate? And if so, how can we coherently theorise about it? This conference seeks to bring together researchers interested...
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The ECT Group has a broad range of interests in epistemology and cognate fields.
The Feminist Philosophy and Social Theory group discusses socially significant philosophical issues, often from a feminist perspective.
Instruments of Unity: the Many Ways of Being One is an EPSRC Research Grant, from the Frontier Research Guarantee with funding of £1.4M. The grant funds...
The L&M group focuses on philosophical issues about language and mind.
The Medieval Logic group reads through and discusses texts in medieval logic recently translated into English along with the Latin original, including both our own work on insolubles and other medieval logical texts recently published.
The Metaphysics and Logic group focuses on a range of issues connecting logic and metaphysics.
WIKI studies the logic of hypothetical thinking and thought experiments.