Public Engagement
We are very keen to talk with members of the public about our work. Please contact us if you would like to know more. In addition we can visit Schools to talk about magnetic resonance (we even have a portable EPR spectrometer), spectroscopy in general (with flame tests), magnetism, bacteria, antibiotics, being a woman in science or a variety of other topics. I have developed a primary school engagement activity called Atomic Colour and a high school engagement activity called Size Matters which have been used at Science Open Days. I am the course lecturer for the Properties of Matter section in the Massolit resources available to secondary schools. Below are some examples of the outreach, more photos can be found on the Home page of this website.
Janet is a STEM ambassador.
Olivia King's BSc Project in 2023/24 was to see if a storyboard is an effective way to explain the (complicated) physics behind MRI to the general public. Below is her final finished storyboard! You can scroll on it to see the 8 panels of information. In case the embedded pdf is not clear, here's a download too. If you find it useful (or otherwise...), then it'd be great to hear from you! If you wish to use any of it elsewhere or borrow heavily from its style or content then please be in touch with Janet first, and make sure that Janet Lovett and Olivia King are cited (as well as this website).
Science Discovery Day 2021. Nuclear Fission in under two minutes:
Visit to Kirkcaldy West Primary School 2019 (definitely not a posed picture in front of “The Learning Pit”!):
Some demonstrations from Atomic Colour at the Science Discovery Day - with an attendance of about 1300 members of the public - in the School of Physics and Astronomy 2019:
Some demonstrations from Atomic Colour at the Science Discovery Day - with an attendance of about 700 members of the public - in the School of Physics and Astronomy 2018:
Here’s a interview with Janet for PhySoc recorded in October 2017.
This is Anokhi and Claire at Exploration 2016: