Global Volunteers

A Global Volunteer is a St Andrews student who has returned from their exchange and wishes to represent study abroad to other prospective students. This programme operates across both academic semesters.

This is a great opportunity for students to stay connected to the global community and to share their expertise and enthusiasm for global education. It offers the chance to learn new skills which can be transferred to later careers as well as gaining useful experience promoting study abroad in-person and through social media to both inbound and outbound St Andrews students.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Attending study abroad events and sharing your experience with prospective students
  • Taking part in our Buddy Scheme and supporting new inbound students
  • Promoting study abroad through our social media channels
  • Contributing to the study abroad blog

What’s in it for you?

  • Opportunity to support new international students at St Andrews
  • Share your experience and the lessons you learned from studying abroad
  • Build your CV by developing skills and taking part in training sessions
  • Certificate after completing training sessions and attending a minimum of 4 events across the academic year.

Required Training Sessions

  1. Communication [How to talk about your placement abroad]
  2. Mentoring
  3. Social Media
  4. Higher Education Careers


  • Current St Andrews  student in good academic standing
  • Successful participation in a St Andrews study abroad programme
  • Regular commitment to attending events throughout academic year

How to Apply

If you would like to become a Global Volunteer, please make sure to apply before the deadline on Tuesday 4rd October at 4pm. We will be taking on four Global Volunteers for the current academic year.

You need to complete an application form, making sure to answer all the questions fully. You can find the application form at the link below. Your application will then be considered by the Global Office Team, and you will be notified of any decision within a week of the deadline.

If you have any further questions, please refer to the Global Volunteers handbook or contact Study Abroad: