Review and Development Scheme (RDS) for Support Staff

Annual review is deemed to be a vital part of staff development and provides a platform to discuss how the roles undertaken by each individual contribute to the overall success of the University/School/Unit.

A key objective of the RDS is to provide an opportunity to have a formal constructive two way discussion between a manager and an employee that not only sets objectives for the coming review period but reflects on the previous 12 months along with providing the opportunity to discuss training and development requirements.

Annually, Human Resources will remind Heads of School/Unit of the process, asking them to confirm their preferred timetable for completion (January – June/June – December).

The Review and Development Policy and supporting information can be accessed here:

Review and Development (RDS) Policy
RDS: FAQs for the reviewee
RDS: FAQs for the reviewer 
Review and Development (RDS) for Support Staff - Form (Word, 586 KB)