Draft disability action plan 2009-2012

The details and data on this webpage consists of information before the Scottish Specific Duties (2012) came into force, for current information please refer to webpages:

1. Management and strategic planning

 AreaActionLead responsibilityTimescale
1.1 Disability equality Equalities website to be developed so that staff and students can access up to date information relating to the Disability Equality Scheme (DES) and other relevant disability information. The website will also provide staff and students with the opportunity to give feedback on the DES. Director of Human Resources To be launched September 2010
Work towards ensuring that equality and therefore disability equality is embedded in University processes by including it on the agendas of University Committees. Director of Human Resources Ongoing
Establish a suitable equalities working group to ensure that the key targets within the DES are met in a timely fashion. Director of Human Resources January 2010
Continue to engage and involve disabled staff, student and key stakeholders in the development of the University’s DES.

Director of Human Resources

Director of Student Services

1.2 Data collection Review the quantitative and qualitative data collected for staff and students to ensure effective disability monitoring.

Registry Unit Head

Director of Admissions

Director of Human Resources

Director of Student Services
December 2011
1.3 Impact assessments Implement impact assessments to ensure that policies, procedures etc  have a positive impact on disabled staff and students. Director of Human Resources December 2010
1.4 Single equality scheme As a result of the upcoming Equality Bill, examine the possibility of incorporating the DES into a Single Equality Scheme. Director of Human Resources April 2011
1.5 Disability policy Review and update the policy.

Director of Human Resources

Director of Student Services
April 2010
1.6 Equality (Disability) Coordinators Consider the possibility of having strategically placed Equality (and therefore including Disability) Coordinators to promote equality throughout the University.

Principal's Office

Director of Human Resources

Director of Student Services
June 2010

2. External activities

 AreaActionLead responsibilityTimescale
2.1   Ensure that all external activities organised by the University promote disability equality wherever possible.

Vice Principal for External Relations

Director of Admissions

Director of Alumni and Development Operations

Director of Student Services
January 2011
2.2 Marketing material Review all marketing material produced by the University. Vice Principal of External Relations January 2012
2.3 Accessibility Policy Produce an accessibility policy and aim that all external material is accessible and promotes disability equality.

Vice Principal of External Relations

Director of Human Resources

Director of Student Services

(Production of Policy) February 2010

External material December 2012

3. IT provision

 AreaActionLead responsibilityTimescale
3.1 Inclusive IT IT provision across the University will be made more inclusive so that assistive technology is available across the University IT network for both staff and students.

Director of IT Services

Director of Human Resources

Director of Student Services

September 2011

4. University estate

 AreaActionLead responsibilityTimescale
4.1 Physical access guide Develop and publish an online access guide of the estate which will provide key information for applicants, prospective staff and students, current staff and students as well as conference organisers and holidaymakers.

Director of Estates

Director of Human Resources

Director of Student Services

February 2010
4.2 Physical Access Strategy The online access guide will form part of the University’s existing strategy for improving and developing disabled access across the University estate.

Director of Estates

Director of Human Resources

Director of Student Services


5. Promoting disability equality for students

 AreaActionLead responsibilityTimescale
5.1 Learning and teaching Include a section on disability to the course design proforma so that Academic staff  will be required to consider disability and accessibility when designing a new module. Vice Principal for Learning and Teaching May 2010
5.3 Examinations and assessment Review of all examinations and assessment processes to ensure that barriers do not exist for students with disabilities. Vice Principal for Learning and Teaching

December 2011

5.4   Review the provision of the use of  computers in exams  to ensure that academic standards are being met as well as ensuring that barriers do not exist for students with disabilities. Vice Principal for Learning and Teaching December 2011
5.5 Disability information for staff as they support students To ensure that University staff are fully equipped for supporting students with disabilities an online disability information point will be developed for the University website. Director of Student Services September 2010
The academic information system EDif will be developed and incorporated into the larger academic system-MMS. This will improve communication and information exchange between the Disability Team and Academic schools.

Director of Business Improvements

Director of Student Services

December 2010
5.6 Harrassment and bullying Devise appropriate monitoring methods to ensure that students with disabilities are not subject to bullying and harassment because of their disability. Director of Student Services February 2010
5.7 Orientation Review of the University's Orientation week to ensure that barriers do not exist for students with disabilities and disability equality is promoted. Director of Student Services December 2010
5.8 Disability information for students Online disability information will be developed specifically for online learners. Director of Student Services September 2010

6. Training and development

 AreaActionLead responsibilityTimescale
6.1 Training needs analysis Conduct a TNA to determine what disability training the University needs to deliver over the next three years. Director of Human Resources October 2010

7. Promoting disability equality for staff

 AreaActionLead responsibilityTimescale
7.1 Recruitment and selection

Review disability equality information provided to applicants to ensure that it:

  • is up to date.
  • is fit for purpose.
  • engenders confidence in the University's recruitment and selection process for disabled applicants.
Director of Human Resources February 2010
7.2 Staff disability guide Produce a Guide that provides sufficient information to enable staff to have the confidence to make informed decisions should they develop or already have a disability. Director of Human Resources December 2009
7.3 Confidential staff disability questionnaire Once Staff Disability Guide has been in place for a year, do another questionnaire to ascertain whether there has been any improvement in staff confidence regarding support provided to disabled staff. Director of Human Resources February 2011
7.4   Continue to improve line managers' capabilities in supporting staff with disabilities. Director of Human Resources Ongoing
7.5 Harassment and bullying Devise appropriate monitoring methods to ensure that disabled staff are not subject to harassment or bullying because of their disability. Director of Human Resources July 2010
7.6 Disability disclosure Review disability disclosure procedures for staff to ensure that staff find it easy and comfortable to declare their disability. Director of Human Resources July 2011

8. Procurement

 AreaActionLead responsibilityTimescale
8.1 Tendering processes Ensure that equality (and therefore disability) forms a part of the tendering criteria that we use to choose service providers. Director of Procurement December 2010