Waste - disposal routes for controlled waste
- Routine Collections by Fife Council
- Transport of Controlled Waste to Disposal Sites by University Vehicles
- Transport of Controlled Waste to Disposal Site by carrier
- Special Waste
- Procedures for Disposal of Special Waste
Routine collections by Fife Council
Domestic type waste is routinely collected by Fife Council.
Transport of controlled waste to disposal sites by University vehicles
Material which is not appropriate for inclusion in routine waste collections by Fife Council may be taken by University personnel to an authorised disposal site. Site operators require pre-notification of all such disposals and an appropriate transfer note must be handed over with each consignment. A copy of the transfer note must be kept by the School/Building/Unit/Residence producing the waste.
Transport of controlled waste to disposal sites by a carrier
When employing a contractor to transport waste it is necessary to check that the carrier is "Registered". A registered carrier's authority for transporting waste is his "Certificate of Registration" provided by the waste regulation authority (photocopies are not valid). When using the contractor for the first time, the authority with which the carrier is registered should be contacted to check that the registration is valid.
An appropriate transfer note must be handed over with each consignment and a copy of the note must be kept by the School/Building/Unit/Residence producing the waste.
Special waste
(The Special Waste Regulations 1996)
Special waste is the most dangerous waste. It includes hazardous or toxic waste, such as solvents, oils, pharmaceutical compounds, photographic chemicals and wood presevatives. Most of them are listed in the above Regulations.
Waste is not special if the hazardous properties, set out in the Regulations, are absent for any reason.
Procedures for the disposal of 'special waste '
The Regulators must be told before special waste is removed. This requires the completion of a pre-notification consignment note, which must be sent off at least three clear working days before the waste is moved. All disposals of special waste must be arranged through Environmental, Health and Safety Services (EHSS) (See Waste Disposal Appendix 1 (Word, 10 KB) and Waste Disposal Appendix 2 (Word, 8 KB)). EHSS will keep an appropriate record of all such disposals for three years. A copy of the 'Special Waste 'Disposal Form is given in Appendix 1.(Waste Disposal Appendix 1 (Word, 10 KB))