Question: Can students see what groups they have been put in?

By default students are unable to see what groups they have been put in to as they are unable to see the ‘Group type’ tabs on the module overview. One way of letting the students know which group they are in is to create a Group Signup tool:

  • Access the Module Overview page for the module (by clicking the module title on the Modules page or search for the module using the ‘Search’ function at the top right of the Modules page)
  • Scroll down to the Tool section
  • In the list of tools tick the checkbox to the right of the ‘Student group sign-up’ tool (last option in the Occasional section) and then click the ‘Create Tools’ button
  • Navigate to the signup overview by clicking the ‘Go To Overview’ link in the tool table
  • Click the ‘Configure’ icon in the type right
  • Set the ‘Default maximum’ to 0 to prevent students from changing groups

The students will then be able to access the tool and the group they are in will be highlighted.