Submitting answers for online exams

This guide outlines the technology and steps you may wish to use when uploading work for online exams.  
All students should read through this guide completely. Your School may provide you with information on the kind of answers they expect you to submit. Download all the listed technologies required well in advance of  exam start dates.  

It is a good idea to practise creating your exam submission in the required format ahead of time.

If you have any problems during your exam, please contact


Before you start your exam

Make sure you can sign in, using your University account, to: 

You will need to access both of these to be able to download papers and submit answers.

If you’re unable to sign in, contact the IT Service Desk. Do not use personal (non-University) accounts for any mobile or online applications that you may need during the exam.   

If you’re using a laptop or mobile device to complete your exam, check that your charger is working.  

Preparing answers for submission

All answers must be uploaded as a single PDF for each exam. It is not possible to submit multiple files.

Additional collation and upload time will be allocated outwith your exam duration. This will be visible within the online exam platform and detailed in the steps below. 

These steps must be practised in advance.

Submitting your answers

Additional time has been provided to you for collation and uploading your answers. This time will be visible to you within the exam platform and also within the main PDF examination timetable.