18th Century, Romantic and Victorian
The 18th Century, Romantic and Victorian research group supports academics, doctoral students, and Masters students who work on literature written between the 1730s and the 1890s. Researchers in the group include: Katie Garner, Clare Gill, Asha Hornsby, Tom Jones, Sara Lodge, Peter Mackay, Susan Manly, Shawna McDermott, Nicholas Roe, Jane Stabler, Emma Sutton, Gregory Tate, and Kristen Treen.
Some of the main research interests shared across the group are: poetry; 18th and 19th-century Scottish literature; textual editing; and the connections between British literature and other literatures and cultures around the globe.
The group is home to a thriving postgraduate and postdoctoral community, and we welcome applications to the School's Masters level (MLitt) degree, new PhD projects, and postdoctoral fellowships.
Publications and events
Recent and forthcoming publications include:
- The Poems of Lord Byron: Don Juan, edited by Jane Stabler and Gavin Hopps
- Vivisection and Late-Victorian Literary Culture by Asha Hornsby
- The Mysterious Case of the Victorian Female Detective by Sara Lodge
- ‘Nineteenth-Century Literary Languages’, volume 37 of 19: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century, edited by Gregory Tate and Karin Koehler
As well as publishing academic books and journal articles, we also share our research in other ways, for example by organising conferences, working with local schools in Fife, appearing on radio and on podcasts, and designing open-access resources such as the Commemorative Cultures website. The group hosts a regular series of research seminars, at which scholars from St Andrews and around the world share their latest work. We are also home to the scholarly journal Romanticism and the annual Fleeman Fellowship in 18th-century literature.
Recent grants and awards
- Katie Garner was awarded a Royal Society of Edinburgh Research Workshop Grant for her project 'Sounding Scotland's Waters, 1800-1900: History, Literature, Science' (2022 to 2024)
- Asha Hornsby was awarded a British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship for her project titled 'Contagious Crossings: How Marine Medicine Made Waves in Nineteenth-Century Culture' (2024 to 2026)
- Peter Mackay was awarded a Royal Society of Edinburgh Personal Research Fellowship for 'The Collected Poems of Alasdair mac Mhaighstir Alasdair' (2025)
- Emma Sutton was awarded a Leverhulme Trust Major Research Fellowship for her project titled 'Hearing the Pacific: Robert Louis Stevenson and Musical Cultures in Colonial Oceania' (2025 to 2027)