Chaplaincy team

University Chaplain

The Revd Dr Donald MacEwan

The Chaplain's full title is Chaplain to the University. He is Chaplain to the whole University, to students, to all staff, and can be contacted at the Chaplaincy or for emergency pastoral care on his mobile, +44 (0)7713 32 2036.
Full biography

Profile image of Revd Donald MacEwan, University Chaplain. Copyright Oli Walker

Assistant University Chaplain

The Revd Giles Dove

Giles joins the Chaplaincy team on 13 August 2024, leading chapel services including Evensong, offering pastoral care to staff and students regardless of faith or philosophy of life, and guiding discussion groups.
Full biography

Revd Giles Dove profile picture

Assistant University Chaplain

The Revd Samantha Ferguson

Sam is involved in much of the Chaplaincy’s life, from taking chapel services including Evensong to offering pastoral care to staff and students, regardless of faith or philosophy of life. She also leads regular Grief Groups for students and staff.
Full biography

Profile image of Revd Samantha Ferguson, Assistant Chaplain

Assistant University Chaplain

Bill Shackman

In addition to meeting with students and staff for pastoral care, regardless of faith or philosophy of life, Bill supports the Chaplaincy’s environmental programme, Garden for Reflection, Interfaith Steering Group, faith societies and Interfaith Encounters.
Full biography

Profile photo of Bill Shackman

Chaplaincy secretaries

Profile image of Tracy Niven

Tracy Niven

Senior Chaplaincy Secretary

Profile image of Linda Bongiorno

Linda Bongiorno

Chaplaincy Secretary

Honorary Chaplains

Honorary Global Chaplain

Fiona Barnard

Fiona loves meeting students and staff from all over the world. She oversees our Local Link scheme which introduces students, for whom English is not their first language, to local people – see further information on the Chaplaincy website. She is also an ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) tutor through Fife Council where, among others, she enjoys teaching partners of those at the university. Trained in Ignatian Spiritual Direction, she is glad to offer accompaniment for staff and students seeking to explore prayer in daily life.

Profile image of Fiona Barnard

Honorary Church of Scotland Chaplain

Revd Jane Barron

Jane has worked in and around St Andrews, particularly with congregations around the East Neuk, for the last few years. She was an English teacher and a radio journalist before training for ministry at Christ’s College Aberdeen. Ordained to Stobswell Church, Dundee in 1999 and since then has been minister to St Andrews Scots Memorial Church, Jerusalem and St Andrews Galilee, and St Machar’s Cathedral Aberdeen. Jane was inducted to the parish of Ceres, Kemback and Springfield in December 2021.

Profile image of Jane Barron

Honorary Roman Catholic Church Chaplain

Monsignor Patrick Burke

Father Patrick was born in Africa and grew up in England before coming to St Andrews to study Theology. He then moved to Italy where he trained for the priesthood at the Scots College, Rome, gaining a PhD from the Gregorian University. He has served in various parishes in and around Edinburgh and between 2005-2014 he worked in the Vatican. Prior to being appointed to Parish Priest of St Andrews and Catholic Chaplain to the University he was Administrator of St Mary’s Cathedral in Edinburgh.

Profile photo of Patrick Burke

Honorary Humanist Chaplain

Sandy Edwards

Sandy previously taught Biology at the University and is now retired but still does fieldwork with some teaching. He is a Humanist funeral celebrant and has held various posts in the Humanist Society Scotland. Sandy is on the committee of the Spiritual and Healthcare department in NHS Tayside and works as a volunteer at Ninewells Hospital. He is also a member of the Non-religious Pastoral Support Network.

Profile image of Sandy Edwards

Honorary Jewish Chaplains

Rabbi Eliran Shabo and Ayalah Shapira-Shabo

Rabbi Eliran and Ayalah were both born in Israel and now live in Edinburgh. They previously lived in Athens, Greece where Rabbi Eliran served as the Junior Rabbi of Athens and led the Jewish Studies program for highschool students, and Ayalah promoted collaborations between the local and Israeli communities. Rabbi Eliran and Ayalah offer support and guidance to Jewish students.

Profile of Rabbi Eliran Shabo and Ayalah Shapira-Shabo

Honorary Pagan Chaplain

Kitty Macintyre

Kitty has recently retired from the University administration. She continues to support any students or staff with an interest in, or questions about, Paganism and its different paths and traditions.

Profile image of Kitty MacIntyre

Honorary Lay Jewish Chaplain

Professor Emily Michelson

Emily offers support to Jewish students in teaching, hospitality, organizing services and other events, and in taking part in Jewish Society events. Emily is married to our Assistant Chaplain, Bill Shackman.

Profile of Dr Emily Michelson

Honorary Orthodox Chaplain

The Very Revd. Archimandrite Avraamy Neyman

Fr Avraamy is a priest and monk from the Russian Orthodox Church who moved to Scotland in 2007 and is based in Dundee.

Profile image of Avrammy Neyman

Honorary Buddhist Chaplain

Dr Sam Pehrson

Sam is a lecturer in the School of Psychology and Neuroscience. He works with the Buddhist Meditation Society to run the weekly meditation and reading and discussion group. He is happy to meet anybody in the university interested in any aspect of Buddhist practice.

Profile image of Sam Pehron

Honorary Islamic Chaplain

Imam Vali Hussein

Imam Vali Hussein works with the St Andrews Muslim Students Association in organising Friday Prayers and is available to students and staff on any issue in connection with Islam.

Profile image of Imam Vali Hussein

Honorary Pentecostal Chaplain

Revd Dr Jill Walker

Jill is an Assemblies of God Minister who has recently moved back to Fife having lived in Yorkshire for 30 years. She has taught in both higher and secondary education and has worked as a counsellor. Jill has recently worked with K2 (an associate trust of Scripture Union) in NE Fife and has also served as a women’s football chaplain. She now enjoys her role as Sports Chaplain as part of the St Andrews Chaplaincy team.

Profile image of Jill Walker

Local faith contacts

For contact information related to other faiths, please visit the Faith and Religion webpage.