Open access costs

Changes in Wellcome Trust open access block grant funding
St Andrews will not receive a new grant for 2024 as we are below the £10,000 threshold for central funding set by Wellcome.
From April 2024, Wellcome will still support eligible costs to comply with their policy by supplementing individual research grants (see below).

Open Access monographs
Unless authors acknowledge certain funders in their manuscript that have an open access requirement such as Wellcome Trust or the forthcoming UKRI requirement that starts in January 2024, their monograph doesn't need to be made open access.

Authors who do acknowledge UKRI or Wellcome are encouraged to contact openaccess@st for further advice if they haven't already done so.

The University's policy is to support open access for monographs and chapters but only where there is a relevant funder requirement.

Researchers without dedicated funding who seek partial support to publish their monograph open access are encouraged to review our institutional open access fund criteria below.

No fee options - deposit in Pure
In many cases, you can comply with REF and funders’ open access (OA) requirements without paying a fee, by uploading your Author Accepted Manuscript in Pure. The criteria for paying open access fees (known as 'Article Processing Charges' or APCs) depends on a range of factors including funder policies, publisher agreements in place and availability of funds. The University preference for the ‘green’ route as our preferred method of achieving open access means we do not support payment of individual APCs in hybrid journals (i.e. journals which charge for both subscriptions to content and additional fees per article for OA publishing) unless covered by transformative agreements.

Paying APCs - first steps
The University has a number of agreements and partnerships in place with publishers that can cover open access publishing fees as well as providing discounts on APCs in some instances. Check the University's list of OA agreements and partnerships or contact for information.

The University has central funding available to support the open access policy for UK Research Councils. Some funders provide open access costs in individual grants. To claim Article Processing Charges (APCs) in fully OA journals from central funds, to find out if your chosen journal is covered by an agreement, or to ask advice about paying APCs from grants, check the information below. If relevant criteria apply, send the following details to openaccess@st before committing to any OA fees.

  • Your name, School and email address
  • Journal and publisher
  • Article title, manuscript ID or DOI
  • Funder name and external Grant ID