Open access agreements and partnerships
The University of St Andrews has arranged various agreements to support open access publishing. These have been implemented based on national negotiations, recommendations and consultation with academic staff, or where they represent good value and efficient use of funds.
Transformative Agreements
The University has entered into a number of Transformative Agreements listed below (often referred to as Read and Publish) that align with UKRI, Wellcome Trust and other funder Open Access requirements. These agreements aim to reduce and manage costs by combining subscriptions to read articles with Open Access publishing. To benefit from a TA, articles must have a St Andrews corresponding author who is identified as such during submission and the article type must be eligible. Authors should also ensure they select a Creative Commons Attribution licence (CC BY).
To find out who the publisher of your chosen journal is, check the Jisc Open Policy Finder tool. Open Policy Finder is a database of publishers’ open access policies.
Where a discounted APC is still payable, you may be able to claim from central funds or use individual grants. For details email or see details on central funding available.
Open access and 'Hybrid’ publisher.
Includes hybrid and fully open access journals.
Standard APCs
$1,600 - $5,000. Fees covered for St Andrews authors through Read and Publish Agreement.Jisc transitional Read and Publish agreement
Uncapped publishing for eligible authors in all ACS hybrid and fully open access journals.
Eligible article types: All research articles in all ACS journals, including ACS Omega, JACS Au, the ACS Au collection, and all ACS hybrid journals.Instructions
- To benefit from the agreement St Andrews authors must be corresponding and use their affiliation during the submission process.
- Authors must select St Andrews at the time of article submission in Paragon Plus.
- On acceptance, authors should respond to the email invitation to enter the ACS Journal Publishing Agreement (JPA) Tool to complete and submit the journal’s OA author publishing agreement and select the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) licence.
A CC BY is required where there is a funder mandate and is recommended.
Open access and ‘Hybrid’ publisher
Includes hybrid titles only. Does not include the fully open access journals AIP Advances, APL Bioengineering, APL Materials, APL Photonics, Structural Dynamics, and Matter and Radiation at Extremes.
Standard APCs
$3500. Fees covered for St Andrews authors through Read and Publish Agreement. Articles published outside the Publish element once the cap is reached are discounted to $2700.Jisc transitional Read and Publish agreement
Eligible St Andrews corresponding authors will have the opportunity to choose to publish open access as part of an institutional agreement. On acceptance the Open Access team will receive a request to approve the transaction and, once approved, OA will be provided with a Creative Commons Attribution licence (CC BY).
Eligible article types: Brief Communication, Communication, Conference Article, Fast Track or Article-FT, Letter, Note, Perspective, Article, Research Update, Review, Roadmap, Tutorial, Methods. -
‘Hybrid’ publisher
This transitional read and publish agreement provides subscription access and unlimited Open Access (OA) publishing in all 9 hybrid peer-reviewed Physical Review journals:
Physical Review Letters (PRL)
Physical Review A (PRA)
Physical Review B (PRB)
Physical Review C (PRC)
Physical Review D (PRD)
Physical Review E (PRE)
Physical Review Applied (PRApplied)
Physical Review Fluids (PRFluids)
Physical Review Materials (PRMaterials)Read subscription access is also provided to APS' subscription only reviews journal, Reviews of Modern Physics, and to the full APS journals archive dating back to 1893 via the Physical Review Online Archive (PROLA):
Standard APCs
$2675-$3750. Fees covered for St Andrews authors through Read and Publish Agreement.Jisc transitional Read and Publish agreement
Eligible articles published in participating titles under this arrangement will be published with a CC-BY license at no cost to authors.
Eligible article types: All original research and reviews, including, but not limited to: regular articles, letters, reviews, perspectives and tutorials.Instructions
Eligible St Andrews corresponding authors who are identified as such on the manuscript and in the submission system will have the opportunity to choose to publish open access as part of an institutional agreement. On acceptance the Open Access team will receive a request to approve the transaction and, once approved, OA will be provided with a Creative Commons Attribution licence (CC BY).Eligible article types are: original research and review articles, including but not limited to regular articles, letters, reviews, perspectives and tutorials.
In some journals page and colour charges may still apply which cannot be paid from central funds. Authors should check before submission.
Open access and ‘Hybrid’ publisher
Humanities, Social Sciences, International Law, Biology
Authors can publish open access in all of Brill’s Gold and hybrid journals.
Standard APCs
Range from £333 to £1,843. Fees covered for St Andrews authors through Read and Publish Agreement.SHEDL transitional Read and Publish agreement:
Offers institutions uncapped OA research article publishing in all of Brill's journals (including Gold titles) as well as access to the full Brill Journal Collection (Humanities and Social Sciences, International Law and Human Rights and Biology). Authors retain copyright and a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) licence is offered.
Eligible article types: Research and Review articles and Conference papers.Instructions
Corresponding authors publishing in Brill journals should use their St Andrews affiliation and email address to identify themselves as an eligible author. A CC BY will be provided to authors by Brill’s production editor to agree after acceptance and is recommended. -
Open access and ‘Hybrid’ publisher
Authors can publish Gold open access in all eligible fully open access and hybrid CUP journals.
Standard APCs
£649 to £2,730. Fees covered for St Andrews authors through Read and Publish Agreement.
Jisc transitional Read and Publish agreement:
APCs are paid in full for all corresponding authors at eligible UK institutions.
Eligible article types: research, review article, rapid communications (RRR), brief report, or case report.Instructions
To benefit from the agreement St Andrews authors must be corresponding and use their affiliation (ideally using ORCiD) during the submission process. On acceptance, authors should complete and submit the journal’s OA author publishing agreement and select a Creative Commons licence; usually, Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) is required where there is a funder mandate and is recommended. After approval through RightsLink the article will go into production. -
Opening the Future - Collective subscription model for monographs
The Opening the Future programme emerged from the Community-led Open Publication Infrastructures for Monographs (COPIM) partnership that aims to help libraries make funds go further and sustainably increase collections and open access and their benefits for readers and authors.
The University has been a supporter of the not-for-profit programme since 2021. This is a form of collective action funding model that seeks institutional pledges to fund future open access titles, as well as providing access to existing back files. As more members join the individual costs of membership falls and amount of OA content increases.
Supporting institutions
There are currently >30 institutions internationally who subscribe and are members of the programme at one or both Presses.Central European University Press (CEU Press)
Subscribing libraries get unlimited multi-user access to curated packages of backlist books with perpetual access after 3 years.Four packages are offered – History, Political Science, Editors’ Choice, and Library Selection.
Seven monographs have been made OA under the programme so far.
Words in Space and Time: A Historical Atlas of Language Politics in Modern Central Europe (University Library Catalogue, Project MUSE)Learn more about the publication of the first monograph to be made OA under the programme by Tomasz Kamusella of the School of History.
Membership funds are used solely to produce new frontlist titles in OA format. OA titles are distributed through Project MUSE, OAPEN, and the Open Research Library (ORL).
Open access and ‘Hybrid’ publisher
Includes the hybrid titles:
- Development
- Journal of Cell Science
- Journal of Experimental Biology
And the fully Open access titles:
- Biology Open
- Disease Models & Mechanisms
Standard APCs
£2,750 plus VAT. Fees covered for St Andrews authors through Read and Publish Agreement.Jisc pilot transitional Read and Publish agreement:
APCs are paid in full for all corresponding authors at participating UK institutions. Applies to research papers and reviews.
Eligible article types: Research articles.Instructions
Eligible St Andrews authors will be contacted by their Editorial Office to inform them of their eligibility and advised that a transaction link will be sent in a separate email with instructions on how to proceed. Once the corresponding author has decided whether to opt for open access, the Open Access team will receive a request to approve the transaction and, once approved, open access will be provided with a Creative Commons Attribution licence (CC BY). -
Open access and ‘Hybrid’ publisher
Science, Linguistics, Social Sciences, Humanities
Includes hybrid titles only. De Gruyter publishes 100 fully open access journals separately that are not included.
Standard APCs
€2,000. Fees covered for St Andrews authors through Read and Publish Agreement.Jisc transitional Read and Publish agreement:
The agreement covers all journal article types.
Eligible St Andrews corresponding authors will have the opportunity to choose St Andrews as a potential funding option. On acceptance, once the author decides to choose open access, the Open Access team will receive a request to approve the transaction and, once approved, OA will be provided with a Creative Commons Attribution licence (CC BY).
Eligible article types: All article types. -
Open access and ‘Hybrid’ publisher
Jisc concluded an agreement with Elsevier for the UK higher education sector March 2022.
See the University announcement.Standard APCs
£150 - £7,800. Fees covered for St Andrews authors through Read and Publish Agreement.Jisc transitional Read and Publish agreement:
Unlimited publishing for eligible authors in Core Hybrid, Cell Press and The Lancet hybrid titles (some exceptions apply). The Open Access team can support researchers with eligibility checks.
Separately, the agreement also provides a 15% discount on APCs and a cap on price increases for publishing in Elsevier’s fully open access journals.
Eligible article types: research, review, case reports, data in brief, microarticle, original software publication, protocol, replication study, short communication, short survey, video article, practice guideline.
Note that only full length articles in Lancet titles are covered.Instructions
St Andrews corresponding authors can ask the Open Access Team to make eligibility checks on submission or acceptance.Eligible articles will be identified by Elsevier based on their criteria (participating institution and journal, affiliated corresponding author, date of acceptance 1.1.2022 - 31.12.2024).
Eligible corresponding authors will receive an email containing a link to the 'post-acceptance author journey' where they will be asked to complete the Rights and Access form and select a Creative Commons licence; usually Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) is required where there is a funder mandate and is recommended.
Authors can also contact for advice on licence selection.The Open Access Team will be asked to verify the corresponding author's affiliation before the final version of record is published.
‘Hybrid’ publisher
Uncapped. Applies to the Geological Society’s Lyell Collection only – Journal of the Geological Society, Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology & Hydrogeology, Petroleum Geoscience, Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis, Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society, Scottish Journal of Geology, Special Publications, Memoirs, Engineering Geology Special Publications.
In 2023, a new title, Geoenergy, was added to the collection.Standard APCs
£1875 - £2,200 plus VAT. Fees covered for St Andrews authors through Read and Publish Agreement.Jisc pilot transitional Read and Publish agreement:
The University Library pays a single annual fee for read access and publication which includes unlimited open access publishing in eligible hybrid titles for St Andrews corresponding authors.
APCs are paid in full for all corresponding authors at participating UK institutions. Applies to all article types submitted between 1 January 2024 and 31 December 2025.
Eligible article types: All article types.Instructions
GSL will determine if eligibility criteria are met – St Andrews corresponding authors should use their institutional email address on the submission and in the manuscript. A CC BY license will be applied by default.
Eligible corresponding authors will be notified that no payment is required.University Library catalogue entry for the collection.
‘Hybrid’ publisher
The 2024 agreement between IEEE and Jisc UK SHEDL includes unlimited read access to IEEE's Electronic Library with ‘Green’ open access for all authors. Authors can self-archive their accepted manuscripts immediately with a Creative Commons Attribution license (CC BY), applicable to any IEEE journal, magazine, or conference proceedings. This initiative accommodates all authors from the subscribing institutions, aligning with institutional rights retention policies and funder requirements.
Green open access provisions
- All authors can self-archive their accepted manuscripts that were submitted to any of the subscription-based IEEE journals, magazines, or conference proceedings.
- All authors can immediately self-archive accepted manuscripts - no later than the date of the first online publication.
- Author self-archiving in an institutional or subject-based repository (as listed on OpenDOAR), with a self-attributed CC-BY licence. Including websites as per the CC-BY licence.
Gold open access
There is no ‘Gold’ option included in the agreement and University and funder requirements can be met on the ‘Green’ route in subscription-based titles, as indicated above.
There is no charge for this service.
Funded authors who choose an IEEE fully open access title where an article processing charge is required should follow our UKRI or Wellcome guidance and contact the Open Access Team
Where authors have no funding and choose an IEEE fully open access title, please review our institutional open access fund (IOAF) criteria and contact the Open Access Team -
‘Hybrid’ publisher
Includes hybrid and fully open access journals, including Electrochemical Society titles. It does not currently include the American Astronomical Society titles.
Standard APCs
£1495 to £3090 plus VAT. Fees covered for St Andrews authors through Read and Publish Agreement.Jisc transitional Read and Publish agreement
APCs are paid in full for all corresponding authors at subscribing UK institutions. Applies to original research papers and reviews (letters, papers, reviews and special issue articles).
Eligible article types: All primary research articles, including research papers, special issue articles, letters and review articles* are eligible for inclusion under the terms of the license.
(*Reports on Progress in Physics, a new addition to the hybrid publishing list, will only include primary research articles within the publishing element of the license.)Instructions
Eligible St Andrews authors who clearly state their affiliation on submission will be identified and automatically opted into open access with a Creative Commons Attribution licence (CC BY) at no direct cost to them. -
‘Hybrid’ publisher
Linguistics, Psychology, Humanities
Includes access to select journals and uncapped open access publishing in all hybrid journals.
Standard APCs
€1800 excluding VAT. Fees covered for St Andrews authors through Read and Publish Agreement.Jisc transitional Read and Publish agreement
APCs for hybrid journals are paid in full for all corresponding authors at participating institutions. Applies to Research Articles only.
Eligible article types: Research Articles.Instructions
Corresponding authors should use their St Andrews affiliation, the system recognises ‘University of St Andrews’, ‘St Andrews University’, or ‘Prifysgol St Andrews’. The publisher will match authors to the deal criteria based on their affiliation. Upon acceptance of their manuscript, the author should be notified that their work can be published under a default Creative Commons Attribution licence (CC BY), which is usually required where there is a funder mandate and is recommended. John Benjamins retains copyright.If a choice of license if offered please contact for advice before choosing a licence.
Open access and ‘Hybrid’ publisher
Includes ~100 eligible fully open access and hybrid journals including Liver Cancer, Gerontology, and Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics.
Standard APCs
Range from EUR 250 to EUR 3,600. Fees covered for St Andrews authors through Read and Publish Agreement.Scottish Higher Education Digital Library Consortium (SHEDL) Read and Publish agreement
APCs for eligible participating fully open access and hybrid journals paid in full for all corresponding authors at participating Scottish institutions. Applies to eligible articles only.Instructions
Corresponding authors publishing in eligible journals should use their St Andrews affiliation and email address to identify themselves as an eligible author in the publisher workflow.CAs should select their funding body if applicable, specify whether their funder participates in Plan S or not, and select the St Andrews SHEDL agreement.
CAs will be asked to select an appropriate licence. As some funders prefer Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY), please select CC BY or contact for advice before choosing a licence.
In some journals page and colour charges may still apply which cannot be paid from central funds. Authors should check before submission.
Opening the Future - Collective subscription model for monographs
The Opening the Future programme emerged from the Community-led Open Publication Infrastructures for Monographs (COPIM) partnership that aims to help libraries make funds go further and sustainably increase collections and open access and their benefits for readers and authors.
The University has been a supporter of the not-for-profit programme since 2021. This is a form of collective action funding model that seeks institutional pledges to fund future open access titles, as well as providing access to existing back files. As more members join the individual costs of membership falls and amount of OA content increases.
Supporting institutions
There are currently >30 institutions internationally who subscribe and are members of the programme at one or both Presses.Liverpool University Press
Subscribing libraries get unlimited multi-user access to curated packages of backlist books with perpetual access after 3 years.LU Press offers subscribers access to 2 monograph series: Contemporary Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures (CHLC) and Liverpool Latin American Studies (LLAS).
Opening the future Modern Languages Package (University Library Catalogue)Membership funds are used solely to produce new frontlist titles in OA format. OA titles are distributed through Project MUSE, OAPEN, and the Open Research Library (ORL).
Open access and ‘Hybrid’ publisher
The Society's seven journals include the Journal of General Virology, Microbiology, and Microbial Genomics.
Standard APCs
£700 to £2,100. Fees covered for St Andrews authors through Read and Publish Agreement.Jisc transitional Read and Publish agreement
The University Library pays a single annual fee which includes unlimited open access publishing in hybrid and fully open access titles for St Andrews corresponding authors.
Eligible article types: All peer reviewed articles.Instructions
St Andrews corresponding authors publishing in any of the 5 hybrid titles, Access Microbiology, or Microbial Genomics must ensure they use their University of St Andrews email address when submitting. Open access will be provided with a Creative Commons Attribution licence (CC BY). -
Direct to Open - Collective subscription model for monographs
“From funding once for a single collection to funding once for the world”.
This is a new global business model initiative supported by Arcadia Fund which also funds the Community-led Open Publication Infrastructures for Monographs (COPIM) partnership.
The aim of this model is to help researchers share their work with a wider audience and help partner libraries collaboratively fund sustainable collections at a much lower cost.Direct to Open allows authors to publish Open Access regardless of their affiliation and funding allowing readers to share and reuse the content. By making new titles freely available, the program hopes to increase their visibility and impact, while supporting the wider open access movement.
The collective action supports:
- Open Access to all new MIT Press scholarly monographs and edited collections.
- Access to archive collection of > 2000 titles which will remain otherwise gated.
- Partial direct costs for the publication of high-quality works that are also available for print purchase.
Commitment is based on type and size of institution; more participants lowers cost for all participants.
St Andrews participation is part of the University’s commitment to community-based open access and the promotion of knowledge sharing.
University Library catalogue entry for the collection.
Open access publisher
Standard APCs
~£800 - £2,200, 20% discount applies.Institutional membership
20% discount for all St Andrews corresponding authors. APCs are paid in full for UKRI or Wellcome Trust funded research papers.Instructions
In the MDPI submission system, authors must select the University of St Andrews to get the discount. You will then be asked to confirm if you are eligible for central funding. If you are not eligible you will still receive the discount but will need to pay the APC from your own budget or grant.Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) website.
Open access publisher
Published by Liverpool University Press
Standard APCs
£400. Fees covered for St Andrews authors through Read and Publish Agreement.Institutional membership
The full APC is covered by the University membership agreement, for up to 10 articles.Instructions
If your article is accepted, you should make sure to notify the journal that you wish to use our membership. Your affiliation should be recognised, and the membership option offered. -
Library partnership subsidy system for journals
The University has been a partner of the not-for-profit OLH platform since 2015 which aims to reduce and control the cost of scholarly communications in the arts and humanities and achieve sustainability. The platform also aims to attract new journals and move subscription journals to an open access model.
Journals are free to read, and researchers can publish at no direct cost to them. OLH encourages authors to ask their institution to become a supporting member.
Currently ~20 journals are supported including the megajournal Open Library of Humanities focused on Special Collections on a particular topic or theme, 19: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century, and Glossa: a journal of general linguistics. Some journals accept submissions in languages other than English.
Supporting institutions
There are currently >300 institutions internationally who contribute of which 13 support at double the membership rate or more to make the platform possible.Instructions
There are no author facing charges and authors can submit to a journal of their choice without the expectation of charges. -
Open access and 'Hybrid’ publisher.
Includes the hybrid and fully open access journals:
Advances in Optics and Photonics
Applied Optics
Biomedical Optics Express
Journal of the Optical Society of America A
Journal of the Optical Society of America B
Optical Materials Express
Optics Continuum
Optics Express
Optics LettersStandard APCs
$1,122 - $3,208. Fees covered for St Andrews authors through Read and Publish Agreement.
Jisc transitional Read and Publish agreement
Uncapped publishing in the first year for eligible authors in selected Optica hybrid and fully open access journals.
Eligible article types: Research Article, Letter, Memorandum, Discussion, Negative Results, Reproducibility Studies, Opinion, Engineering & Laboratory Note, Tutorial, Review.Instructions
Optica provides more details about submission requirements on its website for the corresponding author to be successfully matched to the agreement.
To benefit from the agreement St Andrews authors must be corresponding and use their affiliation and St Andrews domain email address during the submission process. The Open Access Team will be asked to verify the affiliation.
A Creative Commons Attribution licence (CC BY) is required where there is a funder mandate and is recommended. Please select this licence if you are offered a choice.
In some journals page and colour charges may still apply which cannot be paid from central funds. Authors should check before submission.
Open access and ‘Hybrid’ publisher
Includes ~426 eligible fully open access and hybrid journals.
Standard APCs
£200 to £4,700. Fees covered for St Andrews authors through Read and Publish Agreement.Jisc Read and Publish agreement
APCs for eligible participating fully open access and hybrid journals paid in full for all corresponding authors at participating institutions.
Eligible article types: research article, review article, brief report, or case report.Instructions
Corresponding authors should ensure they use their St Andrews affiliation and email address. On acceptance corresponding authors will receive an email from the OUP production team with a link to OUP's online licensing and payment system.The majority of authors now use the SciPris portal. Please follow this step-by-step guide to select the St Andrews agreement and choose the licence.
As some funders have a preference for the Creative Commons Attribution licence (CC BY), please contact for advice before choosing a licence.
In some journals page and colour charges may still apply which cannot be paid from central funds. Authors should check before submission.
Open access publisher
Biological, Medical and Health Sciences, and Computer Science
Standard APCs
$1095/$995 one-off article processing charge.Membership options
The Personal membership permits individual authors to pay a one-off fee and get lifetime publishing. The Institutional Plan provides a discount on the standard APC. APCs are paid in full for UKRI or Wellcome Trust funded research papers.Instructions
St Andrews authors can apply for support for Personal membership by contacting the Open Access team at If using the Personal membership route all authors contributing to a paper must have a membership before publishing.
If requesting a discounted APC for an individual article authors should ensure they use their full St Andrews affiliation and acknowledge any funders and their award numbers in the manuscript.
See PeerJ - How it works for details, and the University of St Andrews PeerJ announcement.To have a one-off APC approved, contact
Open access and 'Hybrid' publisher
Uncapped. Authors can publish Gold Open Access in all 7 fully Open Access and hybrid journals - Biochemical Journal, Clinical Science, Neuronal Signaling, Bioscience Reports, Biochemical Society Transactions, Essays in Biochemistry, and Emerging Topics in Life Sciences.
Standard APCs
£1250 - £1950. Fees covered for St Andrews authors through Read and Publish Agreement.Jisc transitional Read and Publish agreement
The University Library pays a single annual fee which includes unlimited open access publishing in hybrid and fully open access titles for St Andrews corresponding authors.Instructions
To benefit from the agreement St Andrews authors must be corresponding and use their affiliation and institutional email address in the submission system. Use of ORCiD is mandatory for corresponding authors. During submission corresponding authors should validate their St Andrews affilation so their access to the agreement can be confirmed. On acceptance a Creative Commons Attribution licence (CC BY) should be applied automatically and is required and recommended where there is a funder mandate. After approval through RightsLink the article will go into production. Open Access articles will be deposited into PubMed Central on acceptance. -
Open access publisher
Includes all PLoS journals.
Standard APCs
Range from $1,300 to $4,000. Fees covered for St Andrews authors through Read and Publish Agreement.Direct billing and flat fee (FF)
From 1 January 2024, a flat fee covers all St Andrews authors for unlimited publishing in 7 PLOS journals (PLOS Computational Biology, PLOS Pathogens, PLOS Genetics, PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, PLOS ONE, PLOS Digital Health, and PLOS Complex Systems) and Lab Protocols and Study Protocols, with no direct cost to authors.Global Equity
From 1 January 2024 this agreement provides unlimited publishing for St Andrews corresponding authors in PLOS' four equity titles: PLOS Water, PLOS Climate, and PLOS Global Public Health, and the forthcoming journal PLOS Mental Health.Community Action Publishing (CAP)
In addition, from 1 January 2024 authors can publish in PLoS Biology and PLoS Medicine with no direct cost provided all authors are members.Instructions
PLoS has published author FAQ for CAP and FF. You must be a corresponding author and enter the University of St Andrews as your affiliation in the PLoS submission system, Editorial Manager. -
Open access and 'Hybrid' publisher
Uncapped. Authors can publish Gold Open Access in hybrid journals only – Journal of Cell Biology, Journal of Experimental Medicine, Journal of General Physiology.
Standard APCs
$2000- $5300. Fees covered for St Andrews authors through Read and Publish Agreement.Jisc transitional Read and Publish agreement
The University Library pays a single annual fee which includes unlimited access to all content published in JCB, JEM and JGP and 100% open access publishing in these titles for St Andrews corresponding authors with an automatic Creative Commons Attribution licence (CC BY) and direct deposit into PubMed Central (PMC) and Europe PMC to meet funder requirements.
Eligible article types: Article, Brief Definitive Report, Communication, Hypothesis, Methods and Approaches, Report, Technical Advances and Resources, and Tools.Instructions
To be eligible there must be a St Andrews corresponding author so the article will be correctly identified as eligible.The corresponding author should use their St Andrews domain email address in the submission system and throughout the submission process and their affiliation should be included in the manuscript.
Open access and ‘Hybrid’ publisher
Includes hybrid titles only.
Standard APCs
£1,600 to £2,500. Fees covered for St Andrews authors through Read and Publish Agreement.
Jisc transitional Read and Publish agreement:Capped publishing for eligible authors in all RSC hybrid journals, but not its fully open access titles.
The agreement provides a 15% discount on APCs for publishing in RSC’s fully open access journals.
Eligible article types: All peer reviewed article types: Research, communications, and reviews.Instructions
St Andrews corresponding authors can ask the Open Access Team to make eligibility checks on submission or acceptance.When you are ready to publish:
- Double-check that you are listed as the corresponding author, both in the online submission system and in your manuscript
- Use your official institutional email address to submit your manuscript (this helps RSC to identify you)
- State your institute affiliation and email address in your manuscript and make sure this remains the same, even after submission
Do not sign the standard licence to publish; upon acceptance of your manuscript, you will be able to choose and sign the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) or Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC) open access licence; usually CC BY is required where there is a funder mandate and is recommended.
Authors can also contact for advice on licence selection. -
Open access and ‘Hybrid’ publisher
Includes Open Biology, Open Science and all Royal Society journals.
Standard APCs
£1,700 (£1,200 for Royal Society Open Science). Fees covered for St Andrews authors through Read and Publish Agreement.Jisc transitional Read and Publish agreement
Offers institutions unlimited read access and uncapped OA research article publishing. Authors retain copyright and a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) licence is offered.APCs are paid in full for all corresponding authors at subscribing UK institutions. Applies to research articles submitted for publication on or after 1 January 2021.
Eligible article types: All article types are covered.
On submission, St Andrews corresponding authors should select the Royal Society R&P for authors option. A Creative Commons Attribution licence (CC BY) is usually required where there is a funder mandate and is recommended. -
Open access and ‘Hybrid’ publisher
Includes over 900 subscription journals in the current SAGE Premier package, as well as in the IMechE Journal Collection and the Royal Society of Medicine Collection which offers hybrid open access publishing (SAGE Choice).
Standard APCs
£500 to £2,400. Fees covered for St Andrews authors through Read and Publish Agreement. Charges other than the author articles may still apply.Scottish Higher Education Digital Library Consortium (SHEDL) Read and Publish agreement
APCs for eligible hybrid journals paid in full for all corresponding authors at participating Scottish institutions.Corresponding authors publishing in Gold open access journals are also entitled to a 20% discount on the prevailing APC which will be applied automatically in the SAGE portal. Multiple discounts cannot be applied; however, the highest discount available to the author will be applied.
Eligible article types: include but are not limited to original research papers, review papers, brief communications, short reports, case reports.
In the pre-approval process, SAGE will automatically match authors to the deal criteria based on their affiliation and other information provided and the Open Access team will be asked to verify their eligibility. Authors will be contacted by SAGE after verification to be offered SAGE Choice and agree on the appropriate licence. As some funders have a preference for Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY), contact for advice before choosing a licence. -
Open access and ‘Hybrid’ publisher
Springer Nature Read and Publish agreement 2023
Our current Springer Nature Read and Publish agreement for hybrid journals includes eligible Springer and Palgrave journals on SpringerLink and academic journals on journals for Springer/Palgrave and the Nature Portfolio are listed on Springer's website.
Standard hybrid APCs
€2,200 to €9,500. Fees covered for St Andrews authors in hybrid titles through Springer Nature's Read and Publish agreement.Springer Nature UK Read and Publish
APCs are paid in full for all corresponding authors at participating UK institutions.
Springer agreement eligible article types: original research and review articles, brief communications and continuing education articles.
Nature agreement eligible article types: Research articles which means original papers which may also be referred to as analysis, brief communications, registered reports and technical reports.Fully open access journal element
Fully open access model journals are eligible for a 15% discount, which should be applied automatically provided corresponding authors follow the instructions below and provide their institutional email address and affiliation on submission to ensure the article is matched to our agreement.Please email for help and support if you acknowledge major funders like UKRI and Wellcome Trust or wish to apply for institutional support to pay a discounted article processing charge.
You are advised to use your institutional email address instead of your private email address. This enables Springer to better identify you as eligible under the agreement.Hybrid titles: Springer will contact the University for confirmation of your affiliation, and open access will be provided once eligibility is approved.
Fully OA titles: Springer will automatically identify you using your stated affiliation, email or IP address, and offer a 15% discount on standard APC. Open access will be provided once billing details are confirmed. -
Open access and ‘Hybrid’ publisher
Includes eligible hybrid journals that offer Open Select and fully open access journals (see below).
Standard APCs
£1788. Fees covered for St Andrews authors through Read and Publish Agreement.Jisc transitional Read and Publish agreement
Capped. The article cap entitles corresponding authors at participating institutions to publish their research article on a Gold Open Access basis, in all Open Select (hybrid) journals, Fully Open Access Journals, F1000 Research and Routledge Open Research.
APCs for eligible journals are paid in full for all corresponding authors at participating institutions.
Eligible article types: Applies to original research articles only accepted for publication.
F1000Research and Routledge Open Research eligible article types: including but not limited to Research Articles, Method Articles, Antibody Validation Articles, Reviews, Systematic Reviews, Clinical Practice Articles, Case Reports, Opinion Articles.Instructions
Corresponding authors should ensure they use their St Andrews affiliation and email address. OA licence choice instructions are sent to authors on acceptance and, after agreeing, the Open Access team will approve. There may be a slightly modified process if the author has signed a publishing agreement before OA has been approved. As some funders have a preference for the Creative Commons Attribution licence (CC BY), contact for advice before choosing a licence. -
Open access and ‘Hybrid’ publisher
Authors can publish Gold open access in selected hybrid journals.
Standard APCs
£60 to £2,300 excluding VAT. Fees covered for St Andrews authors through Read and Publish Agreement.Jisc transitional Read and Publish agreement
Provides unlimited read and publish within the selected journal collection - Drug Research, Planta Medica, Synfacts, Synlett, and Synthesis.
Eligible article types: Research (Standard article, usually presenting new results referred to as Original Paper as well as short article submitted for rapid publication that exhibits the same structure as a standard article.); Review articles (Standard article, interpreting previously published results.; Continuing Education: Article forming integral part of further education (usually medical).Instructions
During the submission process, authors need to get an estimate for the Open Access Article Processing Charges (APC). The system will ask the corresponding author to choose their affiliation from a pre-defined list. It will then check if this affiliation is covered by the Open Access Funding Agreement. If it is, the APC will be waived, resulting in a zero cost estimate. After the manuscript is accepted, the zero payment process might apply, depending on institutional membership status.
Corresponding authors need to ensure their articles are correctly published with their choice of licence - Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) or Creative Commons-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC) with zero embargoes. Messaging will be provided to UK authors regarding the use of CC BY.
After approval through RightsLink the article will go into production. -
Open Access Community Framework - Collective subscription model for monographs
The University of London Press is committed to open access publishing, with a focus on community funding to support its operating costs. The press goes through rigorous editorial and peer review processes for both its open access and non-open access titles, ensuring high-quality production and marketing standards.
UoL Press is part of Jisc's Open Access Community Framework pilot project operating under the diamond OA model, which aims to support the diversity of scholarly communication. University libraries pledge funding to support open access publishing initiatives, and UoL Press has successfully met its target to support the publication of 9 additional titles in the Institute of Historical Research 'New Historical Perspectives' series in partnership with other research libraries including St Andrews.
The focus on community commitment provides opportunities for sustainable and affordable open access publishing, with a goal of maintaining broad publishing choices for authors across all disciplines.
University of London Press website
Institute of Historical Research : New Historical Perspectives series
Open access and ‘Hybrid’ publisher
Includes eligible fully open access titles and hybrid titles with an OnlineOpen option.
Standard APCs
£730 to £4,200 (Hybrid), or £686 to £3,330 (fully open access) plus VAT. Fees covered for St Andrews authors through Read and Publish Agreement.
Jisc transitional Read and Publish agreement
APCs are paid in full for all eligible corresponding authors at participating UK institutions.
Eligible article types: Primary research and review articles, including but not limited to articles classified by Wiley as Case Study, Commentary, Data Article, Education, Lecture, Method and Protocol, Perspective, Practice and Policy, Rapid Publication, Research Article, Review Article, Short Communication, and Technical Note.Instructions
Eligible St Andrews authors will be informed about the Jisc Agreement while completing their online publication forms. Provided they are the corresponding author and the article type and journal are eligible, OnlineOpen can be selected. Once the corresponding author has decided whether to opt for OnlineOpen, the Open Access team will receive a request to approve the transaction and, once approved, open access will be provided with a Creative Commons Attribution licence (CC BY). If OnlineOpen isn’t selected initially, it can’t be requested retrospectively under the agreement once the article is published in Early View.In some journals page and colour charges may still apply which cannot be paid from central funds. Authors should check before submission.