
All research that involves human participants or non-human animals (or data derived from them) must be granted ethical approval before being conducted (including Undergraduate and Masters projects).  The School of Psychology and Neuroscience Ethics Committee (SEC) overviews the ethics and integrity of all teaching and research within the School, as a sub-committee of the University Teaching and Research Ethics Committee (UTREC) and Animal Welfare Ethics Committee (AWEC).

The School Ethics guide which outlines the local administration of ethical applications, and exemplar documents can be found in the ethics folder on the School's document repository.

Guidance for the treatment of animals in behavioural research and teaching provides further reading on animal research.

The School has prepared a Human Research Participation guide to assist with research project design and preparation.  It is strongly recommended that this document is read in conjunction with the information on the UTREC website and the School Ethics documents before submitting an application.

You can find more University-level information, and links to application forms, for human research/data here, and for animal research/data here.