Condensed Matter Physics
Research themes and groups
Experimental Physics
Cold Atoms | Dr Donatella Cassettari | |
Angle-resolved photoemission & Electronic Structure Engineering | Professor Phil King | |
Superconductivity and Magnetism with Neutron Scattering and Muon Spin Rotation | Professor Steve Lee | |
Quantum Fluids of Light | Dr Hamid Ohadi | |
Thermodynamics and Transport on the Nanoscale | Dr Andreas Rost | |
Organic Semiconductor Optoelectronics | Professor Ifor Samuel | |
Tunneling Spectroscopy of Strongly Correlated Electron Systems | Professor Peter Wahl |
Theoretical Physics
Many-body effects, self-organisation, entanglement, and dynamics in nanostructures | Dr Bernd Braunecker | |
Strong matter–light coupling, polariton condensation, non-equilibrium phase transitions | Professor Jonathan Keeling | |
Theory of Quantum Nanomaterials | Professor Brendon Lovett |
Joint appointments
Physics of Quantum Materials | Professor Andrew Mackenzie (MPI–CPS, Dresden) |
Prospective postgraduate research students
The school website contains a list of PhD research projects in Condensed Matter Physics.
To apply for a PhD position, please use the University application system.
We are part of the St Andrews Centre for Doctoral Training in Quantum Materials QM-CDT, which is currently recruiting students. St Andrews is also part of the International Max Planck Research School for chemistry and physics of quantum materials, offering joint PhD positions between St Andrews and the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids in Dresden.
We continue to be part of the Scottish Doctoral Training Centre in Condensed Matter Physics, although no further recruitment is occurring.