TerminalFour training

The University's content management system, TerminalFour Site Manager, is managed by the Digital Communications team.

Access to T4 will only be granted to University staff who have completed the required training to an appropriate standard as determined by the Digital Communications team. 

Moderator training

Most users who require access to T4 are content coordinators for a particular department, unit or School. These content coordinators may gain moderator access to T4 provided they have completed the required training.

Moderator access allows users to add, publish and delete web pages and web content.

There may only be two moderators per web page (except in rare exceptions where additional moderators have been agreed by the Digital Communications team).

Required training for moderators:

  • Writing for the web
  • T4 moderator training (includes reading material, exercises and a quiz followed by an in-person training session). 

To request training, please email itservicedesk@st-andrews.ac.uk

Revoking access

In order to protect the integrity of the University’s website, the Digital Communications team will occasionally perform audits of T4 users.

Users may have their access revoked if:

  • they have not logged in to T4 for over six months
  • they consistently break house style or content and design standards.

Users who no longer work for the University will be removed.

Find out more about access rights to the website