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Arché 20th Anniversary Conference
19th June 2019 - 21st June 2019
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This summer we are hosting the Arché 20th Anniversary Conference, and everyone is invited to celebrate with us.
Wednesday 19th June
08.40 – 09.00: Tea & Coffee
09.00 – 10.30: Welcome by Kevin Scharp
Symposium: Experience and Knowledge
Yuri Cath: Knowledge of Experience for the Uninitiated
Julia Langkau: The Empathic Skill Fiction Can’t Teach Us
10.30 – 10.50: Tea & Coffee
10.50 – 11.50: Flash Session
Ira Kiourti: Desire and Contradiction
Patrik Hummel: Epistemic Opacity and Trustworthy AI
11.50 – 12.10: Tea & Coffee
12.10 – 13.10: Symposium: Contextualism
Jonathan Jenkins-Ichikawa: Contextual Injustice
Christoph Kelp: The Argument from the Knowledge-Norm of Assertion Against Contextualism
13.10 – 14.10: Lunch
14.10 – 15.30: Symposium: Social Epistemology
Mona Simion: Knowledge-First Social Epistemology
Fenner Tanswell and Josh Habgood-Coote: Group Knowledge and Mathematical Collaboration
15.30 – 16.00: Tea & Coffee
16.00 – 17.00: Symposium: Counterfactuals and Modality
Gillian Russell: Social Spheres
Alexander Sandgren (joint work with Koji Tanaka): Countermetapossibles and the Modal Status of Modal Truths
19.00: Arché BBQ in the Arché Courtyard
Thursday 20th June
08.40 – 9.00: Tea & Coffee
9.00 – 10.20: Symposium: Generics: Semantics, Metaphysics & Epistemology
Mark Bowker: Sterken’s A-Quantifier Test
Mirela Fus: A Darwinian Dilemma for Realist Theories of Genericity Henry Schiller (joint work with Josh Dever): Generic Value
10.20 – 10.40: Tea & Coffee
10.40 – 11.40: Flash Session 1:
Alper Yavuz: A Problem in Frege’s Theory of Names
Noah Friedman-Biglin: Why be Tolerant? Carnap’s Politically Engaged Logical Pluralism
11.40 – 12.00: Tea & Coffee
12.00 – 13.00: Flash Session 2:
Ryan Nefdt: The Role of Language in the Cognitive Sciences
Dilip Ninan: Easy Foreknowledge
13.00 – 14.00: Lunch
14.00 – 15.30: Flash Session 3:
Torfinn Huvenes & Andreas Stokke: Speaker’s Reference and Presupposed Reference
Andrew Peet & Thomas Hodgson: What is Utterance Meaning?
15.30 – 16.00: Tea & Coffee
16.00 – 17.00: Late Afternoon Session: Kit Fine: Conditional Imperatives
19.00: Conference Dinner at the St Andrews Links Clubhouse
Friday 21st June
08.40 – 09.00: Tea & Coffee
09.00 – 10.00: Flash Session 1:
Gabriel Uzquiano (joint work with Aaron Cotnoir): Singletons of Classes
Ian Church: Evil Intuitions? The Problem of Evil, Experimental Philosophy, and the Need for Psychological Research
10.00 – 10.20: Tea & Coffee
10.20 – 11.20: Flash Session 2:
Michael De: Truthmakers or Truthmaking Supervenience
Martin Lipman: Fragmentalism and the case of Variation across Parts
Professional Development Workshop
11.20 – 13.00: Workshop for PhD students (includes tea & coffee)
Panel discussion featuring: Noah Friedman-Biglin, Josh Habgood-Coote, Patrik Hummel, Julia Langkau, Gillian Russell, Fenner Tanswell and Caroline Touborg
13.00 – 14.00: Lunch
14.00 – 15.30: Flash Session 3: Spencer Johnston: Contingency and ‘probability’ in Buridan’s Questions on the Physics Ásgeir Berg Matthíasson: A Game-Theoretic Solution to the Rule-Following Paradox Bruno Jacinto: Variables as Punctuation Marks
15.30 – 16.00: Tea & Coffee
16.00 – 17.10: Late Afternoon Session Roy Cook (on Skype) Agustin Rayo: Strict Contingentism
17.15: Anniversary Reception in Edgecliffe
Many conference participants are staying at University Hall. If you would like to book a room at a subsidized rate, please get in touch with us!
Organising Committee
Ryan Nefdt
Ravi Thakral
Caroline Touborg