
We are working to protect and enhance biodiversity, and there are a number of groups and initiatives at the University that focus on biodiversity.

Our goals:

  • the surveying, monitoring and control of species and plants
  • managing habitat infrastructure and planting
  • research and teaching
  • communication and engagement

What you can do

Join our Biodiversity Working Group

Become a part of the Biodiversity Working Group by emailing

The purpose of the Biodiversity Working Group is to write and update our Biodiversity Strategy and carry out our Biodiversity Action Plan. The group supervises the monitoring of the biodiversity on the University’s estate so that we can reach our 2035 target of 60% of University land being managed with biodiversity as a priority, and for the University’s Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for biodiversity to be positive. This means increasing species richness and the quality of habitats for biodiversity and increasing engagement with biodiversity on University land through time.

Sign up for a Vertically Integrated Project

Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) give students from any discipline and level of study the opportunity to join a research team as part of their degree studies, some of which are focused on biodiversity.

Monitoring for the Biodiversity Working Group is carried out through the Biodiversity Literacy VIP, where students organise and carry out the mapping of species and habitats, setting up and maintentance of the monitoring systems, facilitating wider engagement, and reporting of the final KPIs.

Graph - green shows areas prioritised or managed for biodiversity

Percentage of University property currently managed for biodiversity 


Graph - green shows areas we are aiming for in 2035

Percentage of University property we aim to manage for biodiversity by 2035

What we are doing

Meadows in the Making

The grant-funded Meadows in the Making project has enabled us to:

  • convert more than 17 hectares (ha) of closely mown grassland to meadow
  • create 4.8ha of new woodland
  • plant 2,255m of hedgerow

The project team are putting a transformational grassland management programme into practice. It involves less frequent mowing, a reduced carbon footprint, and richer spaces for biodiversity.

Working in partnership with St Andrews Botanic Garden, Fife Coast and Countryside Trust, Fife Council and Crail Community Partnership, the initiative supports Fife Council’s Grassland Management aims for the Kingdom to convert 10% of amenity grassland to more natural landscapes to increase biodiversity and reduce carbon emissions.

Restoring St Andrews Coastal Habitat Network

We are restoring habitat at 30 sites along 16km of coastline around St Andrews, from Leuchars to Kingsbarns. The project is made possible through a collaboration that includes Fife Council, Abbeyford Leisure, Kinkell Byre, the Cambo Estate, Forest and Land Scotland, the Fairmont Hotel, St Andrews Botanic Garden, and local farmers and estate managers.

The University is leading the ambitious programme which aims to improve the quality and connectivity of habitat, including on University greenspaces. Activities include planting woodland and hedgerows, creating wetlands and meadows, and restoring dunes. The project is supported by the Scottish Government’s Nature Restoration Fund, managed by NatureScot.