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School/Unit Health and Safety Policy

Each Head must draw up a School/Unit Health and Safety Policy. This policy should take account of and, where necessary, supplement the University's Health and Safety Policy Statement. The policy must be signed by the Head of School/Unit and reviewed at appropriate intervals.

The School/Unit Health and Safety Policy should be comprehensive and give details of the arrangements and procedures which are in place including, for example, systematic surveys and associated risk assessment of all workplaces and work activities including field trips and placement within the UK and overseas; rules for induction training; written safe systems of work; permits to work; procedures; safety of trainees; undergraduates; postgraduates and junior research staff; arrangements for safety input to all new projects; details of any specific training requirements; the names of first-aiders and the location of first-aid boxes, etc. The policy should establish relevant legal requirements on the minimum level of performance.

Guidance Documents

Guidance Notes on Drafting a School/Unit Safety Policy (1996) - University of St. Andrews.