Vacancy for Chair/Reader in Statistics

24 February 2021

The University of St Andrews is seeking to enhance its research strength in Statistics by appointing a new Chair in Statistics. We would welcome applications from candidates whose research could link with existing strengths in St Andrews, including ecological or environmental statistics and the cognate areas of biostatistics and experimental design. For appointments in the area of statistical ecology, we would welcome applicants with a background in either statistics or ecology, whose research includes statistical ecology. However, our primary objective is to appoint an outstanding candidate whatever their research area. An appointment at Reader level will also be considered for an outstanding early-career candidate who could rapidly develop and grow their research portfolio and reputation in post (in which case the job description will be amended accordingly).

Our primary strength in statistics has been in statistical ecology, centred on the world-leading Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling (CREEM). Most CREEM staff are statisticians in the School of Mathematics and Statistics, but there are also strong links with the Schools of Biology, Medicine and Computer Science. The University recently appointed a Professor of Statistics in Bioscience, as a joint post between the School of Mathematics and Statistics and the School of Medicine. The statistics group has world-leading expertise in experimental design and has growing links with the School of Computer Science in data science research, with the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, and with the School of Geography and Sustainable Development. There are also opportunities for collaboration with pure and applied mathematics research groups, including our Research Group in Mathematical Biology, which was established in 2015 with the appointment of the Gregory Chair in Applied Mathematics.

We have strong and growing Masters programmes in Statistics, including the MSc Applied Statistics and Data Mining and MSc Data-Intensive Analysis, run jointly with the School of Computer Science. We are contributing to an interdisciplinary MSc in Conservation Science and launched an MSc in Statistical Ecology in 2020/21 with an MSc in Mathematical Biology to follow from 2021/22.

For informal enquiries, we encourage those considering applying to contact the Head of School, Professor Mark Chaplain (, the Deputy Head of School, Professor Ineke De Moortel ( or the Joint Heads of Statistics Professor Len Thomas ( or Professor Andy Lynch (

We are fully committed to equality and diversity in our recruitment and employment policies. We operate family-friendly hours for core meetings and are happy to discuss flexible working arrangements for staff. We also offer reasonable childcare costs for applicants invited to interview

Applications are particularly welcome from women, people from the Black, Asian, Minority or Ethic (BAME) community and other protected characteristics who are underrepresented in School posts at the University.

The University of St Andrews is committed to equality for all, demonstrated though our working on diversity awards (ECU Athena SWAN/Race Charters; Carer Positive; LGBT Charter and Stonewall). More details can be found at

Interviews will be held on 15 April 2021

Please quote ref: AC694MR

Closing Date: 26 March 2021

Further Particulars: AC694MR FPs.doc

School of Mathematics and Statistics
Salary: By negotiation
Start: 1 September 2021 or as soon as possible thereafter