The MOS Certification Process

Skills evaluation and analysis

The GMetrix Skills Management System (SMS) is a downloadable program that delivers practise tests similar to the interface and scope of topics in the actual exam (see the full specifications before installing the program). GMetrix is used to identify areas of weakness in preparing for a certification exam. This software is can only be installed on a computer running the Windows platform and cannot be installed on Mac OS. However, GMetrix is also available in all PC classrooms across the University so is readily available to use in your preparation, even if you cannot install it on your own machine.

GMetrix benefits:

  • allows the candidate to become familiar with the method of examination
  • completed tests in Testing Mode produce a scored report that can be used as an indication of skill level, areas for improvement, and exam readiness
  • can also be used in a Training Mode as a training resource

There are a range of test formats provided in Gmetrix. These formats include project-type Practice Tests (similar in layout and structure to the actual MOS exam) and Quizzes (standard formats, multiple choice, matching, etc, for more theory-based training). It is highly recommended that exam preparation should include the Practise Test-type formats.

Pass rate indicator: The pass rate on a GMetrix test is 700 /1000 (70%), as in an actual MOS exam. It is recommended however that you achieve a pass of 800 points minimum on the practice tests before sitting an exam to ensure adequate preparation.



GMetrix Links

Download GMetrix software here

Links for GMetrix technical support articles

Joining the MOS Programme: Registration information

Contact details

Sonny Evans

IELLI (formerly CEED)
University of St Andrews

Hebdomadar's Block
St Salvator's Quad
75 North Street 

St Andrews
KY16 9AJ
Scotland, United Kingdom

Other MOS Training Resources

In addition to the GMetrix Skills Management System (SMS) software, the following resources are also available to help you prepare for an exam (available only to University staff and students):

  • Microsoft Imagine Academy courseware. These online courses target the specific objectives covered in a MOS exam. The courses are delivered as a complete package in shared OneNote notebooks, a course for each MOS exam in 2016 and 2019 versions.  Details about how to access this material can be found on our Imagine Academy support page.  Microsoft Office support is also available throughout the Microsoft Training Centre pages.
  • A wide range of Microsoft Office training workbooks with associated exercises are available to everyone in the University for learning/improving Microsoft skills. These are based on Office 2016 but most topics are still relevant for 2019/O365 versions.  See our Training Workbooks page for more information.
  • For University staff and research post-graduates only, instructor-led training courses courses for Microsoft Office, run by IT Training through CEED cover a wide variety of topics. These courses do not specifically target MOS objectives but provide an excellent basis from which to prepare for exams. Bookings on the currently available courses can made through the Personal Development Management System (PDMS) and the full suite of courses can be found on the IT Training pages.


Note: Microsoft Imagine Academy training resources are available to everyone in the University, not just those preparing for MOS exams

 How to access the Microsoft Imagine Academy

Contact details

Sonny Evans

IELLI (formerly CEED)
University of St Andrews

Hebdomadar's Block
St Salvator's Quad
75 North Street 

St Andrews
KY16 9AJ
Scotland, United Kingdom

The MOS exam

MOS Exams are available for Office version 365 Apps for Windows. You do not need to sit the core Associate level exams before sitting the Expert level, but you are encouraged to do them as they cover a different range of skills (Expert level exams are not available for all applications).

The exam structure

With all MOS exams, you are working practically in the live application. The MOS exam format presents a series short projects that the candidate must complete, using the specifications provided. Each exam contains 4-6 projects of different contexts and on which a series of practical tasks is required to be carried out.  You must complete the exam in the time allotted (50 mins) and you have the option to review all the projects before the final submission for grading.  Exam results are displayed following submission of the exam file and displays a score report. Your results and report will be stored with Certiport and can be retrieved anytime by logging into your Candidate account.

The exam procedure

You are expected to show evidence of sufficient preparation before sitting an exam, which consists of a pass in the relevant GMetrix practise test (in Testing Mode).

To sit an exam, you must first request a place, using the booking procedure detailed below.

On-campus exams

  1. MOS 365 Apps exams are the primary supported exam version (previous exam versions may be accommodated by special arrangement).
  2. Exams are sat in-person in a PC classroom.
  3. Currently scheduled session dates will be posted on the MOS homepage and bookable through the MOS Exam Booking Form link in your Certification Pack.
    • Each exam session is a maximum 2 hours, allowing you to sit up to 2 exams, 50 min exams, back-to-back in a single session, though you can opt to sit only one.
    • When you book an exam session, you will need to state which exam(s) you intend to sit on the selected date.
    • If you need to sit an exam but cannot attend on any of the currently scheduled dates, you may be able to request a custom session by arrangement with the MOS Coordinator (email
    • Once your request is processed, you will be emailed a Exam Session confirmation and further instructions about creating your exam account.
      • You must register with the exam accrediting body, Certiport, and create an account (you only need to do this once). See the links in the side panel for a video on creating an account and registration.
      • You will need these registration credentials to log in to the exam portal each time you sit an exam.
  4. Arrive at the exam classroom in good time with your proof of identity (University ID).
  5. After you complete your exam, results are displayed immediately and are stored in your user account at the exam authority, Certiport. Exam transcripts remain part of your permanent exam record accessible by logging in to your account through the candidate portal. 
  6. You may print your own copy of exam results for up to a year after the exam date. Authorised transcripts of your results can be sent directly to employers but there is also the option to order authorised printed copies through Certiport (for a fee). 
  7. Higher level Associate and Expert aggregate MOS awards will be included in the HEAR section of your University transcript.
  8. Further information on certificates is available through the Certiport Candidate Certificate page.

Retake policy

  • Failed exams may be retaken, but must booked in for another session date.
  • You will not be able to sit an exam for a different application until the the resit has been passed.
  • There must be at least 24hrs between the exam failure and re-sit.

Information on how to register for the MOS program


Video: How to sit a MOS Exam

Certiport Candidate Portal

Information on how to register for the MOS program

Exam essentials

  • All exams are in-application and performance-based.
  • MOS 365 App exams are delivered as a series of short projects.
  • The pass mark is 700 points (of a possible 1000 points).
  • Exam results are available immediately.
  • The current exam license will expire 4 Sept 2024

Contact details

Sonny Evans

IELLI (formerly CEED)
University of St Andrews

Hebdomadar's Block
St Salvator's Quad
75 North Street 

St Andrews
KY16 9AJ
Scotland, United Kingdom