Dr Tristan Henderson
Senior Lecturer
I am an interdisciplinary computer scientist with training in computer science (MSc and PhD, UCL), economics (MA, Cambridge) and law (LLM, Edinburgh). My current research interests include data protection, privacy and digital rights, and teaching interests include my popular module on data ethics. Prior to joining St Andrews in 2006, I worked at Dartmouth College (Department of Computer Science and the Institute for Security & Technology Studies) in the USA.
I welcome opportunities to work with organisations and policymakers around the responsible use of data. I currently sit on the Young Scot Data Advisory Group and am an Area Editor for Data & Policy.
I am currently the School's Director of Postgraduate Research. If you are interested in pursuing research in Computer Science (or in interdisciplinary research combining Computer Science with other disciplines) at Master's or Doctoral level, please see our pages on postgraduate research courses. At a wider level, I am Director of the SICSA Graduate Academy coordinating research training and activities across all 14 Scottish Computer Science departments, and am happy to discuss research training needs or opportunities.
For more information see my personal home page at https://tnhh.org/
Current teaching:
- CS5055 Data Ethics & Privacy, Candlemas Semester, 2024/25, 2023/24, 2022/23, 2021/22, 2020/21, 2019/20, 2018/19, 2017/18.
- CS2003 The Internet and the Web, Martinmas Semester, 2024/25, 2023/24, 2021/22, 2020/21.
Past teaching:
- CS5023 Mobile & Wireless Networks, Candlemas Semester, 2015/16, 2014/15, 2013/14, 2012/13.
- CS5023 Mobile & Multimedia Systems, Candlemas Semester, 2010/11, 2009/10.
- CS4303 Video Games, Martinmas Semester, 2017/18, 2015/16, 2014/15, 2013/14, 2012/13, 2011/12.
- CS4302 Multimedia, Martinmas Semester, 2010/11, 2009/10, 2008/09.
- CS3102 Data Communications and Networks, Candlemas Semester, 2018/19.
- CS2006 Advanced Programming Projects, Martinmas Semester, 2013/14, 2012/13, 2011/12.
- CS2003 Advanced Internet Programming, Candlemas Semester, 2008/09, 2007/08, 2006/07.
- CS1005 Computer Science in Everyday Life, Martinmas Semester, 2015/16, 2014/15, 2013/14, 2010/11, 2009/10, 2008/09.
- CS78 Computer Networks, Spring 2005 (at Dartmouth College).
I also supervise projects at honours and Masters level across our School. Current students interested in working with me can find a list of my previous projects on the School's project SharePoint site.
Research areas
I am interested in understanding how people use networked systems, and using this information to build better systems. My research has involved measurements and testbeds for networked games, wireless networks, mobile sensors, smartphones, online social networks and opportunistic networks. More recently I have become interested in the privacy and ethical aspects of such research, which has in turn led to an interest in the law. I took a sabbatical to study for a law degree and am now focused on how technology, ethics and the law can be jointly used to regulate behaviour.
PhD supervision
- Sahngmin Shin
- Adamu Habu
- Ky Cox
- Anna Mitchell
- Judith Fassbender
Selected publications
The Changing Usage of a Mature Campus-wide Wireless Network
Henderson, T., Kotz, D. & Abyzov, I., 9 Oct 2008, In: Computer Networks. 52, 14, p. 2690-2712 23 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Privacy in Location Aware Computing Environments
Anthony, D., Henderson, T. N. H. & Kotz, D., Oct 2007, In: IEEE Pervasive Computing. 6, 4, p. 64-72 9 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open access
Towards reproducibility in online social network research
Hutton, L. & Henderson, T., Mar 2018, In: IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing. 6, 1, p. 156-167 12 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open access
"I didn't sign up for this!": informed consent in social network research
Hutton, L. & Henderson, T., 26 May 2015, Proceedings of the 9th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM). AAAI Press, p. 178-187 10 p.Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Conference contribution
Open access
Human-data interaction
Mortier, R., Haddadi, H., Henderson, T., McAuley, D., Crowcroft, J. & Crabtree, A., 2016, Encyclopedia of Human-Computer Interaction. Interaction Design FoundationResearch output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Entry for encyclopedia/dictionary
"Here I am, now pay me!": privacy concerns in incentivised location-sharing systems
Hutton, L., Henderson, T. & Kapadia, A., 23 Jul 2014, Proceedings of the 7th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSec). ACM, p. 81 86 p.Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Conference contribution
Open access
Facebook or Fakebook? The effects of simulated mobile applications on simulated mobile networks
Parris, I. S., Ben Abdesslem, F. & Henderson, T., 2012, In: Ad Hoc Networks. 15 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Case Studies and Challenges in Reproducibility in the Computational Sciences
Arabas, S., Bareford, M. R., Gent, I. P., Gorman, B. M., Hajiarabderkani, M., Henderson, T., Hutton, L., Konovalov, A., Kotthoff, L., McCreesh, C., Paul, R. R., Petrie, K. E. J., Razaq, A., Reijsbergen, D. & Takeda, K., 1 Sept 2014, (In preparation) arXiv.Research output: Other contribution
Privacy-enhanced social-network routing
Parris, I. S. & Henderson, T., 1 Jan 2012, In: Computer Communications. 35, 1, p. 62-74 9 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
IRONMAN: Using social networks to add incentives and reputation to opportunistic networks
Bigwood, G. J. & Henderson, T., 9 Oct 2011, p. 65-72. 8 p.Research output: Contribution to conference › Paper › peer-review