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Latest School news

PGR Seminar with Sachin Yadav and Junyu Zhang

The next PGR seminar is taking place this Friday 14th February at 2PM in JC 1.33a Below is a title and Abstract for Sachin and Junyu's talks -- Please do come along if you are able. Sachin Yadav Title: Reimagining the Digital Gig Economy: Evaluating the economic feasibility and technological capabilities of physical cooperative gig […]

Seminar, Nobuko Yoshida, Monday 3rd February

Prof. Nobuko Yoshida of Oxford University is visiting us next Monday (3 February). Nobuko has kindly agreed to give a talk on her work during her visit. The talk will be at 1pm in JC1.33a. Nobuko Yoshida, University of Oxford, UK Title Multiparty Session Types: Separation and Encodability Results Abstract Multiparty session types (MPST) […]

PGR Poster Session

The School held a successful PGR Poster Session on Monday 27th January, which was very well attended. The posters displayed were impressive and well presented by the PGR students. Well done to all who attended and took part! 👏