Dr Thomas Biggs

Dr Thomas Biggs

Lecturer in Latin

Researcher profile

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Research areas

I am scholar of Roman literature and culture. My research deals with various periods and topics, which include the poetry and poetics of the Republican, Augustan, and early imperial periods, Latin philology, and the cultural and literary histories of Carthage and North Africa. I have a range of interests in critical theory and the Classics, with particular focus on memory and identity studies, gender and sexuality, and ecopoetry/environmental humanities. I am the author of Poetics of the First Punic War (Univeristy of Michigan Press 2020) and co-editor of The Epic Journey in Greek and Roman Literature (Cambridge University Presss 2019). I have published over 20 peer-reviewed articles and chapters on such topics as Dido; transgender poetics in Latin literature; Classics and contemporary underwater art installations; Lucan; Livy; Vergil; and the often-underestimated Hymn to Rome by Melinno. I recently wrote over one hundred pages of the international project Structures of Epic Poetry (De Gruyter 2019). I am also involved in a collaborative reassessment of Roman Republican comedic fragments, which will host a workshop in 2022. 

PhD supervision

  • Isabella Schmidt
  • Sarah Prince
  • Lorenzo Severin
  • Rebecca Hachamovitch

Selected publications


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