Dr Ralph Anderson

Senior teaching fellow in Ancient History

Research profile | School web page

My main research interests are in the lived experience of religion in ancient Greece, that is, how the religious views and practices of the Greeks were integrated into and impacted upon their daily lives and their practical understanding of the world around them and their place within it.

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Mike Arrowsmith

Computer Officer

Mike maintains the CATCH website and has provided support for a number of projects including Woven Communities, an initiative to document all the diverse research conducted into Scottish vernacular basketry. He also has a strong interest in digital recording and presentation of archaeology including web design, 3D modelling, animation, Photogrammetry and RTI. He is chair of the Save Wemyss Ancient Caves Society and is currently developing their new interactive website as an outcome of the recent digitisation project.

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Dr Richard Bates

Senior Lecturer in Earth Sciences

Research profile | School web page

My interests lie in the application of geophysics to both terrestrial and marine archaeology.  Over the last 10 years I have worked closely with geo-archaeologists in particular on prehistoric sites in Orkney, Jersey, Wales, SE England, Tanzania, Ethiopia and Qatar.  

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Dr Karen Brown

Lecturer, School of Art History

Research profile | School web page

Karen E. Brown, MPhil. PhD, is Director of the Museums, Galleries and Collections Institute, and Lecturer in Art History & Museum & Gallery Studies. Her teaching and research interests include university museums and collections, the history and ethics of museums, museums and communities, and relations between writers and and museums. Karen serves on the Board of the European Regional Alliance of the International Council of Museums.

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Dr Stephanie Bunn

Senior Lecturer, Department of Social Anthropology

Research profile | School web page

Since 2012, Stephanie has been working on the Woven Communities project. This is an AHRC funded ethno-historical and archival research project into Scottish vernacular basketry. The project is developing an interactive website, gathering data through both practical interventions and a blog in collaboration with local basket-makers, the Scottish Basketmakers Circle. Stephanie is also a participating member of the Knowing from the Inside Research group, an ERC funded project based at the University of Aberdeen, under Tim Ingold. This...

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Anne Campbell

Teaching Fellow, School of Computer Science

Research profile | School web page

Teaching Fellow at University of St Andrews.

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Dr Jon Coulston

Lecturer in Ancient History and Archaeology

Research profile | School web page

My principal publication project is a monograph dealing with the architecture, sculpting and relief content of Trajan’s Column in Rome (All the Emperor’s Men. Roman Soldiers and Barbarians on Trajan’s Column). With Lindsey Allason-Jones (Newcastle) I am compiling the Corpus Signorum Imperii Romani fascicule for Northern England. With Hazel Dodge and Christopher Smith I am writing a source-book for Routledge concerned with the ancient city of Rome.      

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Chris Davies

PhD Candidate, School of Computer Science

School web page | Personal website

Chris has been investigating mobile and immersive cross reality systems and is addressing the vacancy problem in cross reality systems. He has developed Virtual Time Windows, which use tablets to present reconstructions and synchronise real world and virtual world location and orientation, Chris is now working on a  Cross Reality system which combines the Oculus Rift whilst using the magnetic signatures to synchronise virtual and real world locations.

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Dr Althea Davies

Lecturer, Department of Geography & Sustainable Development

Research profile | School web page

I am a palaeoecologist and environmental archaeologist, with a focus on land-use dynamics in UK mountain and upland areas during the historic period, and the contribution of Holocene palaeoecology to current environmental management. I am also interested in human dimensions of conflicts over natural resource use, and the use of participatory approaches to manage differing environmental management priorities.

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Tom Dawson

Research Fellow, School of History

Research profile | School web page

Tom Dawson is the Director of CATCH. He is an archaeologist working on approaches to managing sites threatened by coastal processes and climate change. He is particularly interested in the role that communities can play in managing their local heritage. Tom is also interested in exploring new approaches to recording and presenting threatened sites, including the use of digital and creative media.

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Professor Alan Dearle

Professor of Computer Science

Research profile | School web page | Personal website

My research interests include: cloud computing, distributed systems, operating systems, file systems, persistent systems, ubiquitous systems, object-oriented middleware, p2p systems, programming languages, sensornets, component deployment.

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Professor Simon Dobson

Professor of Computer Science

Research profile | School web page | Personal website

Director of Research at University of St Andrews    

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Lisa Dow

Teaching Fellow, School of Computer Science

Research profile | School web page

Teaching Fellow in the School of Computer Science, University of St Andrews.

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Professor Richard Fawcett

Professor, School of Art History

Research profile | School web page

Richard Fawcett’s principal research interests are in medieval architecture, and especially the church architecture of Scotland. He is Principal Investigator of the AHRC-funded Corpus of Scottish Parish Church project, which has so far completed its survey of the dioceses of Dunkeld and Dunblane, and is presently working on the dioceses of St Andrews and Brechin. He is currently planning a collaborative research project with Historic Scotland to study the architecture and planning of Scottish monastic precincts.

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Emily Gal

PhD candidate, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences

School web page

My PhD involves a multidisciplinary investigation of submerged prehistoric landscapes in Atlantic Scotland, supervised by Richard Bates and Tom Dawson. Prior to this I undertook my BA and MA Archaeology degrees at Cardiff University and worked as a field archaeologist around the UK. My research interests include coastal and island archaeology, British prehistory, community archaeology and creative dissemination.

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Ellie Graham

Research Assistant, School of History

Ellie Graham is a Research Assistant working on the archaeology of the Scottish coast, especially where threatened by climate change and coastal processes. She has a particular interest in community engagement and working with local communities to record heritage sites endangered by coastal change. Her research interests include industrial archaeology and the history of fishing in Scotland, as well as the use of technology to widen access to cultural heritage.  

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Dr Tim Greenwood

Senior Lecturer, School of History

Research profile | School web page

My teaching interests extend across mediaeval Byzantium and the Near East (6th–11th centuries) with particular interest in the Caucasus and Sasanian Persia. My research is centred upon Armenian political, social and cultural history across the same period, analysing and exploiting literary, epigraphic and architectural sources. A translation and commentary of an eleventh-century Armenian composition, the Tiezerakan Patmut‘iwn or Universal History by Step’anos Taronec’i, will be published in early 2017.

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Alison Hadfield

Learning and Access Curator, Museum Collections Unit

School web page

Is a Learning and Access Curator at the Museum Collections Unit in University of St Andrews.    

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Dr Mark Harris

Reader, Department of Social Anthropology

Research profile | School web page

My main research interest is in the archaeology and ethnohistory of the Brazilian Amazon, and specifically in the Indian nations who lived along the riverbank at the time of conquest and their material traces. I am also beginning a new project of rights of access and environmental knowledge in Scotland in relation to the ancient monuments and the hills.  

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Donald Herd

Microbeam / Imaging Laboratory Manager

School web page

Donald Herd is the Microbeam/ Imaging Laboratory Manager in D.E.E.S. and runs  Electron Probe Micro-Analyser, Secondary Electron Microscope, Fluid Inclusion System, Cathodo & Photo luminescence Systems, Laser Grain Size Analysis Systema and VHX 2000 imaging microscope.

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Dr Timothy Hill

Lecturer in Environmental Change

Research profile | School web page

Tim joined the University of St Andrews as a lecturer in Environmental Change in 2011, where he developed his research interests into land-use change impacts on the carbon cycle. Tim moved to Exeter in 2015 to take up the position of Senior Lecturer in Physical Geography.

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Dr Uta Hinrichs

Research Fellow, School of Computer Science

Research profile | School web page | Personal website

My research interests include information visualization, interaction design, and qualitative research. I generally aim at combining approaches from computer science, social sciences, art, and design.

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Dr Sabine Hyland

Reader, Department of Social Anthropology

Research profile | School web page

My speciality is historical anthropology of the Andes; my interest areas include the Inkas; khipus and ancient writing systems; indigenous Andean peoples in the Spanish colonial period; 19th can 20th century Andean ethnography; and ethnopoetics.  I am currently finishing a book on the ethnohistory of the  Chanka people of Peru; this work is the product of a five year collaboration with archaeologist Dr. Brian S. Bauer (University of Illinois at Chicago) funded by the National Science Foundation and the National Endowment for the...

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Dr Kelsey Jackson Williams

British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow, School of History

Research profile | School web page | Personal website

My research focuses on antiquarianism, the study of the physical and textual past in early modern Europe. I’m currently working on a project exploring the role of antiquaries in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Scottish culture as well as finishing a monograph on the antiquarian writings of the polymath John Aubrey (1626-1697) which looks at his studies of stone circles and other prehistoric remains in Britain.  

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Joanna Hambly

Research Fellow, School of History

Research profile

Joanna is an archaeologist and  Research Fellow in the School of History. She manages the award-winning Scotland’s Coastal Heritage at Risk Project and is conducting research at a number of sites around the coast of Scotland. Before joining the university of St Andrews, Joanna was a Heritage Manager with the Heritage Trust for Lincolnshire.  

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Sarah Kennedy

Research Assistant, School of Computer Science

Research profile | School web page

Since 2007, Sarah has worked with 3D modeling software to create  a number of  reconstructions of historical sites, including St Andrews Cathedral, Sparta Basilica, Icelandic Longhouse, Eyemouth Fort, Caen Township and the St Kilda world heritage site. Sarah has worked with historians and archaeologist, including, Prof Richard Fawcett, Dr Rebecca Sweetman, Tom Dawson and Joanna Hambly from University of St Andrews, to create accurate reconstructions in 3D gaming environments from historical, architectural and...

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Dr Sian Lewis

Senior Lecturer in Ancient History

Research profile | School web page

My research interests encompass classical tyranny, iconography and women’s history, and communications in the ancient Greek world. I have recently completed a short study of tyranny in Greece from the seventh to the third centuries BC, and am researching the constitutional background to tyranny, archaic and classical, and the methods through which tyrannical power was exercised.

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Dr Carlos Machado

Lecturer in Ancient History

Research profile | School web page

I am interested in all aspects of the social and cultural history of the Roman Empire, especially the late antique period.  

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Edward Martin

Digitisation Officer, Library Special Collections

School web page | Personal website

I am an archaeological photographer with a particular speciality in low altitude aerial photography.  I operate small unmanned aircraft to gather images for illustrative and photogrammetric purposes.  

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John McCaffery

PhD Candidate, School of Computer Science

School web page | Personal website

John has designed a Virtual Time Travel Platform, which provides generic support for the exploration of digital historic scenes. This incorporates research on  Natural User Interaction and commodity CAVEs. He lead the installation of the Virtual Caen village in the Timespan Museum and Arts Centre. John has also developed systems for creating flythroughs and movies from digital models – for example this fly through of St Andrews Cathedral in 1318.  

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Dr Alan Miller

Lecturer, School of Computer Science

Research profile | School web page

Interests in mobile and immersive systems and their application to the field of cultural heritage. The creation of historic scenes based upon archaeological evidence and interpretation. I am part of the OpenVirtualWorlds research group, investigating modes of interaction with 3D environments: including Commodity Cave environments, museum installations and stereoscopic headsets such as the Oculus Rift.  

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Dr Coralie Mills

Research Fellow, Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences

Research profile | School web page

Dr Coralie Mills is a part-time NERC-funded Research Fellow working with PI Dr Rob Wilson on the Scottish Pine Dendrochronology Project SCOT2K, obtaining tree-ring data from our Scottish built heritage to augment the natural pine tree record for climate reconstruction and cultural heritage objectives.  In the rest of her time, Coralie works within Dendrochronicle as an independent dendrochronologist and environmental archaeologist, and provides a range of services including tree-ring dating for archaeology, historic buildings, living trees...

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Dr Mark-Jan Nederhof

Lecturer, School of Computer Science

Research profile | School web page

Lecturer at the School of Computer Science of the University of St Andrews

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Dr Iain Oliver

Research Assistant, School of Computer Science

Research profile | School web page

Ian has expertise in engineering systems that support interactive 3D heritage. He runs the Apollo virtual world server, which is publicly accessible and hosts over 20 historic reconstructions including  Virtual Harlem, the Caen Highland Village and Brora Salt Pans. Iain has expertise in constructing digital landscapes from multiple data sources through GIS systems and the digital transformation between pointclouds, meshes and virtual world formats and in world scripting. Iain also has interests in systems measurement and the relationship...

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Dr Andrew Peacock

Lecturer, School of History

Research profile | School web page

Dr Andrew Peacock (School of History) specialises in the premodern Islamic world. He has collaborated with several archaeological projects in Turkey and elsewhere in the Middle East, and he also has research interests in Central Asia and the Indian Ocean region.

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Professor Aaron Quigley

Chair of Human Computer Interaction

Research profile | School web page

Aaron’s research interests include surface and multi-display computing, human computer interaction, pervasive and ubiquitous computing and information visualisation.      

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Dr Tim Raub

Lecturer in Earth Sciences

Research profile | School web page

My resource geology interests include using magnetic susceptibility, mineral magnetism, palaeomagnetism, and low-temperature thermochronology to elucidate ages and paragenetic sequences of ore deposits and thermochemical histories of alteration zones, and to ground-truth geophysical inversions as from airborne and ground electromagnetic surveys.  He has conducted academic research associated with unconformity-uranium, MVT-type, VMS, and orogenic Au-Ag-U deposits; with stratiform, supergene, and deep-sea nodular iron and manganese formations;...

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Dr Helen Rawson

Co-Director, Museum Collections Unit

School web page

Dr Helen Rawson is Co-Director of the Museum Collections Unit, with responsibility for collections, exhibitions and research.  Her own research interests focus on material culture, particularly the development of the University’s artefacts collections since the 15th century.  She has published journal articles, given conference papers and curated exhibitions on subjects as diverse as medieval University ceremonial maces, historic scientific instruments, collections of ‘curiosities’ and portraiture.  

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Dr Ruth Robinson

Senior Lecturer in Earth Sciences

Research profile | School web page

I am continuing to work on detrital mineral techniques, combining different geochronological and characterisation techniques to determine source terranes, integrate geological histories of orogenic evolution through detrital minreal records, and quanitfy depositional histories. Geochemical weathering associated with sediment transport and storage in the Irrawaddy and Salween rivers, and the Mekong in Cambodia and Laos, is work in development with Ed Tipper (St Andrews) and Rob Hilton (Durham).    

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Ross Somerville

Technician, Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences

School web page

Laboratory Technician at Geography and Geosciences at University of St Andrews.

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Dr Katie Stevenson

Senior Lecturer in Late Mediaeval History

Research profile | School web page

My main research interests centre on culture as a mode of communication in the exercise of power in the late Middle Ages.

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Dr Angus Stewart

Lecturer in Middle Eastern History

Research profile | School web page

Angus Stewart is a historian of the Near East and its wider connections in the period from the twelfth to the fourteenth centuries – the period of the crusader and Mongol invasions, but also of considerable internal development.  Specifically, he is interested in the Mamluk Sultanate, and in its relations with the Frankish and Armenian states in the region – and all three were famed builders, notably of castles, but also of other structures (Mamluk-era minarets dominate the skyline of old Cairo).  One of his areas of interest is in how our...

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Dr Richard Streeter

Lecturer in Environmental Geography

Research profile | School web page

I am interested in long term human–environment interactions and the resilience of ecosystems to climatic change and human disturbance. In particular I have focused on the environmental impact of the settlement of the North Atlantic by the Norse, using tephra (volcanic ash) to date sediments and reconstruct rates and patterns of soil erosion in Iceland. More widely I am interested in how past societies responded to climatic change.  

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Professor Rebecca Sweetman

Professor in Ancient History & Archaeology

Research profile | School web page

Rebecca Sweetman is a Professor in Ancient History & Archaeology and she teaches Greek and Roman History & Archaeology. As a former Assistant Director of the British School at Athens, she has had a long association with Greece and she has worked on a number of sites including Knossos and Corinth, and her own projects have included the excavations on a Late Antique church in Sparta and the Bronze Age city of Phylakopi in Melos. Her recent monograph entitled The Mosaics of Roman Crete, Art Archaeology and Social Change (CUP 2013)...

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Dr Ulrike Weiss


Research profile | School web page

Ulrike teaches Museum & Gallery Studies, so heritage and material culture are at the core of her work. Her art historical research focuses on the 18th century, ranging from sculpture to numismatics to court culture.

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Dr Rob Wilson

Senior Lecturer in Earth and Environmental Sciences

Research profile | School web page | Personal website

My research focus and passion is dendrochronology (tree-ring science) with specific emphasis on the reconstruction and understanding of climate for the last 1000-2000 years. Historical and ecological analyses are also important aspects of the research undertaken in my laboratory.  

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Dr Alex Woolf

Senior Lecturer, School of History

Research profile | School web page

My research falls into two main areas. Firstly there is ‘teaching-led’ research relating to early Scottish History which has resulted in my textbook From Pictland to Alba and numerous articles. Beyond this the focus of much of my work could be said to be the development of centralised kingdoms from Iron Age societies and the relationship between language shift and socio-economic history.

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