Advice for students about self-esteem and confidence

Updated on: 14 June 2024

Learn about self-esteem and confidence and the help available for students facing self-confidence issues.

It is common to struggle with your self-esteem when you are a student, as your work is graded and this can feel like a representation of how good you are.

This can make you feel anxious or doubt yourself as you struggle to view yourself in a positive or more realistic way.

Students often feel the need to excel for their family or school, but what we feel about ourselves is not based solely on what we do. 

It’s possible to improve our self-esteem and see ourselves in a better light. By accepting ourselves, we can feel OK about ourselves and others, regardless of the situation.

This can lead to a more fulfilling university experience and life overall. 

How the University can help 

Student Services offer a range of help including specialist support and resources for your wellbeing and mental health.  

Other places to find help 

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Student support