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High Work - Work at Height

Regulation 2005

Falls from height remain the single biggest cause of workplace deaths and are one of the main causes of major injury. The above legislation which came into force on 6th April 2005 sets new safety standards for work at height which are designed to significantly reduce the risk of such workplace accidents.

The regulations apply to all work at height where there is a risk of a fall that may cause an injury. They place a duty on the University to control these risks.

In certain cases the Regulations can also apply to work carried out outside Great Britain (for details see Regulation 3(1) or discuss with the Director of Environmental, Health and Safety Services)

Actions by Heads

Guidance on the actions which need to be taken by Heads of Schools/Units is provided in the next section entitled 'A brief guide to the Work at Height Regulations 2005' which is based on a guidance leaflet issued by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

Heads responsible for staff who work at height are required to either undertake the role of 'Duty Holder' as defined in the guidance or nominate an appropriate line manager. The Duty Holder must ensure that the requirements of the above legislation are complied with.