Using Pure

A personal Pure account is automatically created for all academic staff, research-related staff, and postgraduate students through synchronisation with the University’s Human Resources and Registry databases. You can log in to Pure via single-sign-on, using your standard University login details. Pure can be accessed off-campus.

Professional services staff are not currently allocated a personal Pure account as standard.

Your Pure profile

Some of your Pure profile information is automatically populated with data from other key University business systems, including:

  • funded award and project details from the finance system
  • staff details from Human Resources
  • postgraduate research student details from Registry.

Pure synchronises with each of these on a nightly basis to automatically update content.

Since this content is updated automatically it is not editable in PURE. If you notice any error in the information that is brought into Pure from other central university systems, please contact

Missing projects and awards

Pure only shows awards and projects which have been processed by the University's finance system. Therefore, projects from a previous institution would have to be recorded manually in Pure, by a Pure administrator. If you have a query about award or project information, or would like an award from your previous institution added in Pure please contact

Adding information to Pure

Additional content (e.g. personal profile, publications, activities, impact) can be freely added by Pure users. You can also find information on how to deposit for Open Access.

Pure user guides