Digital pattern library


The tables pattern is for displaying data.

Options available


Email Address Name Bob McBoberson Pat McPaterson Jo McJoerson

Email Address Name Bob McBoberson Pat McPaterson Jo McJoerson

Colour headings

You also have the option of these other colours for the table header, see the colours page for palettes.

Class Description
.table-primary Primary palette colour, to be used on all pages using the primary palette theme.
.table-secondary Secondary palette colour, to be used on all pages using the secondary palette theme.
.table-tertiary-1 First tertiary palette colour, to be used on all pages using the tertiary palette theme.
.table-tertiary-2 Second tertiary palette colour, to be used on all pages using the tertiary palette theme.
.table-tertiary-3 Third tertiary palette colour, to be used on all pages using the tertiary palette theme.

Class Description
.table-primary Primary palette colour, to be used on all pages using the primary palette theme.
.table-secondary Secondary palette colour, to be used on all pages using the secondary palette theme.
.table-tertiary-1 First tertiary palette colour, to be used on all pages using the tertiary palette theme.
.table-tertiary-2 Second tertiary palette colour, to be used on all pages using the tertiary palette theme.
.table-tertiary-3 Third tertiary palette colour, to be used on all pages using the tertiary palette theme.