Digital pattern library

About the pattern library


The digital pattern library has three main audiences, built around the following user stories:

1. General users

General users will load pages in their browser, using the core CSS and JavaScript from the pattern library. Pages they access should all have the same look and feel.

2. Web developers

Developers outwith the digital communications team build applications or websites using our core CSS and JavaScript. These developers need to know what the official patterns are and how to use them.

3. Digital communications team

The core team develops and designs the pattern library and uses it to build digital assets. Our team needs a central place to work on, test and document our design patterns.


  1. Core CSS and JavaScript These are found in the build folder of the repository; they are also published to a central location.
  2. Documentation The patterns folder includes documentation about each pattern available in the pattern library, examples of each one, and a browsable patchwork of all the patterns. In addition, you will also find CSS and JavaScript coding style guides, and other information.
  3. Pattern tests The core team can use the examples and patchwork in the patterns folder as a way to implement pattern-driven-development, which is a translation of test-driven-development to design patterns.