Dr Ozgur Akgun
Potential supervision topics
I am specifically interested in the following research projects.
- Constraint programming and solution sampling
- Solving problems in General Choice Modelling using constraint programming
- Understanding the limits of traditional data linkage methods (through algorithm configuration)
See my research interests and recent publications on my profile page: https://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/computer-science/people/oa86
See my personal website for more information as well: https://ozgurakgun.github.io
Email: ozgur.akgun@st-andrews.ac.uk
Dr Oggie Arandelovic
Potential supervision topics
Computer vision; machine learning; pattern recognition; data mining; big data analysis; health informatics; statistics; clinical trial design and analysis; information retrieval; mathematical modelling; image processing
Email: oa7@st-andrews.ac.uk
Dr Dharini Balasubramaniam
Potential supervision topics
Software architecture; uncertainty in software models; software ethics; software artefact consistency management; digital literacy and inclusion
Email: dharini@st-andrews.ac.uk
Prof Saleem Bhatti
Potential supervision topics
Internet architecture, specifically ILNP (https://ilnp.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/). I am interested in taking on students who can help to develop and extend ILNP, both in terms of the protocol architecture, but also to demonstrate feasibility of the existing ideas that are defined for ILNP. Novel aspects to consider would be how ILNP impacts the use of the Internet Protocol (IP): (a) use of multipath transport protocols, including existing TCP, UDP, MP-TCP and QUIC protocols; or (b) the enabling of ubiquitous communication for ubiquitous computing; or (c) operation of IP-based communication in datacentres; or (d) energy usage in IP-based communication.
Email: saleem@st-andrews.ac.uk
Prof Juliana Bowles
Potential supervision topics
Formal methods and verification; model checking; constraint solvers; temporal logics (stochastic, distributed, etc); concurrency; dependability; NLP in healthcare; modelling in healthcare; health informatics; evidence-based clinical decision support systems; global health
Email: jkfb@st-andrews.ac.uk
Dr Edwin Brady
Potential supervision topics
Types; programming languages; DSLs; verification; compilers; theorem proving; functional programming; program generation; dependent types
Email: ecb10@st-andrews.ac.uk
Dr Christopher Brown
Potential supervision topics
Programming languages; refactoring; semantics; programming transformation; energy analysis; parallel programming; heterogeneous computing
Email: cmb21@st-andrews.ac.uk
Dr Loraine Clarke
Potential supervision topics
Design Research and Human Computer Interaction relating to: tangible physical interaction, social interaction, shape changing interfaces, Data Physicalisation, museum and cultural heritage user experiences, participatory design and design beyond humans for more sustainable futures.
Email: lec24@st-andrews.ac.uk
Prof Richard Connor
Potential supervision topics
Many topics in approximate search and locality sensitivity - best talk to me first!
Email: rchc@st-andrews.ac.uk
Dr Nguyen Dang
Potential supervision topics
machine learning and deep reinforcement learning for automated algorithm design, constraint programming, combinatorial optimisation.
Email: nttd@st-andrews.ac.uk
Prof Alan Dearle
Potential supervision topics
Metric search; metric indexing; data linkage; genealogical population reconstruction; synthetic population generation; operating systems; unikernel operating systems
Email: alan.dearle@st-andrews.ac.uk
Prof Simon Dobson
Potential supervision topics
Network science emerged as a way of applying concepts from statistical physics to a wide range of systems that can be represented as pairwise interactions. It has been extremely successful as a framework for modelling phenomena ranging from crystal formation to epidemic spreading.
However, it is now clear that this approach has some severe limitations. Firstly, not all interactions are pairwise: many occur only when a larger group of components are brought together, for example in social interactions, animal flocks, robot swarms, or chemical reactions. Secondly, a process' evolution may be affected by the fine structure of the network, in terms of the exact details of how neighbourhoods are formed. Thirdly, both these phenomena may vary in time and space, so that the process' evolution itself evolves and self-organises alongside the evolution of the underlying network and its higher-order features.
All these phenomena have been studied individually, using network tools such as simplicial complexes or hypergraphs combined with analysis techniques based on (discrete) sheaves and differential geometry. We are however still seeking a thorough treatment, both mathematically (to model the interactions analytically) and computationally (to simulate these processes accurately, efficiently, and at scale). We therefore need to extend both the theory and practice of network science to encompass higher-order interactions with significant dynamic behaviour.
I'm looking for students wanting to contribute to the study of higher-order networks, using some appropriate mixture of theory and practice: both are equally important in addressing the scientific questions of interest. This would suit someone with an interest in complex systems, network science, and simulation (in some combination). Our experimental work is conducted almost exclusively using Python, and we have a considerable investment in computational tooling, including libraries for network processes and simplicial topology that can be used as starting points for experiments. We also have several potential application areas, including in epidemic modelling and sensor networks for environmental and ecological projects, in conjunction with other groups within St Andrews.
Dr Joan Espasa Arxer
Potential supervision topics
Boolean Satisfiability (SAT); Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT); Classical and Numeric AI Planning; Planning as Satisfiability; Constraint Programming; Automated reformulation of models; Formal Languages and their expressivity; Applications of Logic to Computer Science
Email: jea20@st-andrews.ac.uk
Dr Lei Fang
Potential supervision topics
Bayesian machine learning, Bayesian nonparametrics, statistical learning, uncertainty reasoning, transfer learning, wireless sensor networks
Email: lf28@st-andrews.ac.uk
Prof Ian Gent
Potential supervision topics
Constraint satisfaction, Puzzle Games, Patience/Solitaire Solving, Recreational AI
Email: Ian.Gent@st-andrews.ac.uk
Dr David Harris-Birtill
Potential supervision topics
Medical technology; image analysis; signal processing; ambient sensing; medical imaging; remote pulse oximetry; photoacoustics; photothermal therapy; machine learning.
Email: dcchb@st-andrews.ac.uk
Dr Tristan Henderson
Potential supervision topics
I am broadly interested in supervising students in the areas of privacy, law and technology, digital rights, data protection or similar. I am happy to supervise interdisciplinary projects if possible (this may depend on finding suitable expertise in other Schools in the University or elsewhere).
Here are some high-level questions that I am currently interested in. Prospective PhD students with similar interests might use these as starting points for developing a research project.
i) Technology law is often aimed to be technology-neutral in order to be long-lived. But in reality, how technology-neutral is technology law? And how can technology-neutral technology design meet the objectives of technology-neutral law design?
ii) We have proposed human-data interaction (HDI) as a framework for understanding how people interact with data about them. How can HDI help protect data subjects? In particular, how can HDI be best incorporated into data protection (if at all)?
iii) How can ethical principles drive the design of distributed systems? In particular, I am interested in how ethics might help us decide between centralised and federated systems. How might ethics be incorporated into the design process, and how might we evaluate its
See my personal website for further information: https://tnhh.org/research/.
Email: tnhh@st-andrews.ac.uk
Dr Ruth Hoffmann
Potential supervision topics
Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms, Computational Group Theory, Computational Graph Theory, Combinatorics, Permutation Patterns, Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Email: rh347@st-andrews.ac.uk
Dr Jason Jacques
Potential supervision topics
Crowdsourcing, digital economy, online communities, sustainability.
Email: jtj2@st-andrews.ac.uk
Prof Christopher Jefferson
Potential supervision topics
Game AI, Constraint Programming, Computational Group Theory, Search
Email: caj21@st-andrews.ac.uk
Prof Graham Kirby
Potential supervision topics
Distributed systems; record linkage; historical records; population reconstruction; synthetic data generation
Dr Olexandr Konovalov
Potential supervision topics
Projects in computational algebra or research software engineering, as well as projects on the frontier or intersection of these areas.
Email: obk1@st-andrews.ac.uk
Dr Peter Macgregor
Potential supervision topics
My interests are in algorithms for data science and machine learning. I am particularly interested in graph theory, clustering algorithms, and computational geometry for similarity search.
Email: prm4@st-andrews.ac.uk
Dr Areti Manataki
Potential supervision topics
Health Informatics; Artificial Intelligence; health data science, process mining and modelling, data visualisation; learning analytics; computing and data science education; intelligent systems
Email: A.Manataki@st-andrews.ac.uk
Prof Ian Miguel
Potential supervision topics
Artificial intelligence (ai); decision-making and optimisation; combinational search; constraint modelling and solving; propositional satisfiability (sat)
Email: ijm@st-andrews.ac.uk
Dr Alan Miller
Potential supervision topics
Digital preservation and promotion of natural and cultural heritage
Immersive and mobile engagement with cultural and natural heritage
The role of digital heritage in response to COVID 19
Museum at Home
Email: alan.miller@st-andrews.ac.uk
Dr Mark Nederhof
Potential supervision topics
Computational linguistics; formal language theory; writing systems
Email: mn31@st-andrews.ac.uk
Prof Susmit Sarkar
Potential supervision topics
Shared memory concurrency; verification; parallelism; programming languages; compilers; static analysis; hardware architecture design; memory consistency models
Dr Tom Spink
Potential supervision topics
JIT-Compilation-as-a-Service, Cross-architecture Virtual Machine Hypervisor, IoT Virtualisation, Unikernels, Distributed virtualisation, Operating Systems, Hardware acceleration
Email: tcs6@st-andrews.ac.uk
Dr Kasim Terzic
Potential supervision topics
Computer vision; scene understanding; machine learning; cognitive robotics, artificial intelligence (AI)
Email: kt54@st-andrews.ac.uk
Dr Alice Toniolo
Potential supervision topics
Artificial intelligence; argumentation; reasoning; dialogue; deliberation; multi-agent systems; human-agent interaction; provenance; planning; norms.
Email: a.toniolo@st-andrews.ac.uk
Dr Blesson Varghese
Potential supervision topics
Distributed systems; Cloud/Edge computing; Distributed machine learning; Computer systems
Email: blesson@st-andrews.ac.uk
Dr Juan Ye
Potential supervision topics
Human activity recognition; sensor data analysis, smart environments; context awareness; uncertainty reasoning; temporal reasoning; ontologies; mobile computing; wearable assistive technologies; multi-sensory integration
Email: jy31@st-andrews.ac.uk