Dr Julia Payne

Dr Julia Payne

Lecturer in Inorganic Chemistry

Researcher profile

+44 (0)1334 46 2235



Dr Payne was awarded her MChem in 2007 by the University of Warwick and her PhD in 2011 by Durham University (under the supervision of Dr Ivana Evans).   Following this, she worked as a PDRA in the groups of Dr Ivana Evans (Durham University, 2011-2012), Prof. Matthew Rosseinsky (University of Liverpool, 2012-2014) and Prof. John Irvine (University of St Andrews, 2014-2018).  In January 2019 Dr Payne took up a position as an independent Research Fellow in Energy Materials in the School of Chemistry at the University of St Andrews.  Dr Payne’s research spans a broad range of energy materials and she is particularly interested in using in-situ and operando techniques to link structure with properties. 


Julia contributes to teaching by lecturing in CH1402 Inorganic and Physical Chemistry 1 (6 lectures).  Julia also takes tutorials in CH1401 Introductory Inorganic and Physical Chemistry, CH1402 Inorganic and Physical Chemistry 1 and CH4461/5461 Intergrating Chemistry.  In addition Julia offers projects for the CH3441 Mini-project and acts as an academic monitor for external placements in CH4441.

Research areas

Reducing the world’s reliance on fossil fuels is one of the greatest challenges facing society today.  In order to meet future energy demands, new materials are required for energy storage and conversion.   Our research spans a wide range of energy materials and we are currently interested in the synthesis of new materials for batteries and photovoltaics.  Work in our group focuses on the synthesis, characterisation and properties of energy materials.  We are particularly interested in understanding how the structure of materials changes during device operation (e.g. charging/discharging a battery).   To do this, we regularly carry out experiments at the UK synchrotron (Diamond Light Source) or the UK neutron facility (ISIS Neutron and Muon Source) in Oxfordshire.   We use a variety of techniques to probe energy materials, including powder diffraction (X-ray and neutron), single crystal diffraction and X-ray Absorption spectroscopy.    

For more information see the JLP group website.

PhD supervision

  • Akshaya G
  • Sara Henda
  • Andrea Paris
  • Yuri Hirano
  • Xin Chen
  • Max Stanzione
  • Roxana Murgu

Selected publications


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