Dr Georg Haehner

Dr Georg Haehner


Researcher profile

+44 (0)1334 46 3889


Research areas

We explore new chemistry and physics at small scales and apply this knowledge to realising advanced tools for materials sciences, the life sciences, and sensor technology. My group's efforts span from (bio)chemical investigations enabled by novel surfactants, to materials characterisation on small scales, to systematic device engineering for practical applications. Our research is predominantly based in interface science. It is highly interdisciplinary and is centred at the nexus of Chemistry, Physics and Materials Sciences.

One major focus of our work is the preparation of functional surfaces (e.g. for microelectromechanical systems (MEMS)) by applying ultrathin organic coatings, and their characterisation by a variety of surface analytical techniques. Another one is the development of a sensor platform compatible with microfluidics and lab-on-a-chip technologies, enabling the study of liquid-solid interactions and the determination of liquid properties such as viscoelasticity.

PhD supervision

  • Archie Stirling

Selected publications


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