Dr Shuting Liu

Dr Shuting Liu

Associate Lecturer in Marketing

Researcher profile

+44 (0)1334 46 3211



Starting as a postgraduate-taught student at the School of Management in 2016, Shuting's academic journey evolved into a Ph.D. in Management Studies. Her doctoral thesis is entitled - How Individuals Respond to Unequal Social and Organisational Context. Holding an MLitt in Marketing from the same institution, Shuting's academic experience is complemented by practical expertise gained from diverse roles in the golf tourism industry in China, where she held positions in event organisation and management while also serving as a junior Golf Referee. Additionally, her experience as a quantitative researcher at a marketing research company further enriched her analytical skills and understanding of market dynamics. 


MN1001 Organisations and Society (Tutor)

MN1002 Organisations and Analysis (Tutor: Financial Accounting and Business Statistics) 

MN2001 Management and Society (Tutor)

MN3025 Marketing (co-lecturer &tutor)

MN5554 Marketing and Society (co-lecturer)

Research areas

My research sits in the intersection of social psychology and organisational studies, focusing on the sociopsychological processes underlying the impacts of societal and organisational inequalities on individuals in their different social and individual identities. I'm also interested in exploring and examining the role of organisations in inequality reduction, particularly in the context of Fair Work Initiative Scotland. As a quantatitatve researcher, I mainly utilise experiments, surveys, and path analyses (mediation, moderation, moderated mediation) in my work.

Selected publications


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