Meet us in the UK

Students in the UK can meet the Admissions team in one of two ways: at an event near you or at a University visiting day.

UCAS events

The Admissions team visit many UCAS higher education fairs and events each year. If you want to know if they are attending a fair near you, please fill out our Ask Admissions enquiry form.

School visits

The Admissions team also visit several schools throughout the year, both around UCAS events and at other points in the year.

If you are a teacher or school careers advisor and you would like a member of the Admissions team to attend your school during any of these regional tours, please fill out our Ask Admissions enquiry form

Asking a question

The Admissions team is happy to answer questions from prospective students, both in-person and online.

Email:  Ask Admissions
Phone: +44 (0)1334 46 2150

The regional manager for the UK is Alasdair Wilde.

If you are a mature student, in care, a young carer, or attended the Sutton Trust summer school, please tell Admissions when you ask a question, so the team can ensure you get the correct information.

Meet us in St Andrews

We are here to help you discover St Andrews and support you throughout the application process. We run a series of events online and offer various ways to visit in person