Undergraduate visiting days

Join us for one of our visiting days to find out if St Andrews is the right place for you. These events are designed to help you learn more about the subjects on offer at St Andrews, our student experience and the application process.

Autumn visiting days:

Wednesday 9 October 2024 - in-person visiting day

Saturday 2 November 2024 - in-person visiting day

Wednesday 13 November 2024 - online visiting day

Please note: Due to the summer holiday, bookings for the in-person visiting days will now open at 12.05pm (UK time) on Wednesday 11 September 2024.

Bookings for the online event will open in mid-October. Please check back on this page soon for event dates and booking information.

When bookings open a button will appear with the sign up form.

If you are unable to visit the University for a visiting day, you can book onto one of our Talk & Tour sessions, or explore our Meet Us pages for other ways to find out more about Admissions and life at St Andrews.


Frequently asked questions