Byre World

Byre World is an annual series of talks, workshops, and performances bringing the School of Modern Languages' global cultural studies research to the local community.

Running since 2015 in collaboration with the Byre Theatre in St Andrews, all Byre World events are free to attend and are open to all members of the University and the general public. 

Events range from curated film screenings to poetry readings, from debates and interviews, to interactive arts-based activities and performances. Most events are delivered in collaboration with creative practitioners or other partners.

Outside of the Byre Theatre

Byre World 2024-25

Byre World events this academic year.

The Seven Sages of Scotland brings together performers working in modern Scots, retelling and responding to the original medieval frame narrative

Gavin Bowd and acclaimed poet Paul Malgrati read the work of three miner-writers: Fifer Joe Corrie, Belgian Constant Malva, and Frenchman Jules Mousseron

Elise Hugueny-Léger and Fabien Arribert-Narce speak with visual artist Susan Diab about her exhibition "Palimpself" on display in the Byre Theatre

Clara Défachel talks with Hicham Houdaïfa and Kenza Sefrioui about the challenges faced by authors, translators and publishers in Morocco

Damiano Benvegnù and Harry Watkins discuss their Holobiont Herbarium project, which revises the role of herbaria in the late Anthropocene

In conversation with François D'Adesky, Nicki Hitchcott and John D McInally discuss this traumatic episode in Belgium's colonial history

Emily Finer, Viktoriia Medvied, and guests discuss work to create trauma-informed books for children living in Ukraine and elsewhere