Professor elected Fellow of the British Academy of Management

6 September 2021

The School of Management congratulates Professor of Management Paul Hibbert on his September 2021 election as Fellow of the British Academy of Management (BAM).

Professor Hibbert serves as Assistant Vice-Principal Dean of Arts and Divinity of the University of St Andrews.

Fellows of the British Academy of Management are scholars who have:

  • made an outstanding academic contribution to business and management scholarship
  • demonstrated a significant contribution to the community of scholars in the field and within BAM.

Paul was nominated as a Fellow on the basis of his development of approaches to reflexivity and reflexive practice, scholarly contributions to understanding collaborative processes of learning, and his wide influence on research in management learning and education. His nomination also notes his leadership roles at leading journals and within learned societies.

On receiving his award Professor Hibbert said:

I am honoured and delighted to be made a Fellow of the British Academy of Management.

I am very grateful to all my brilliant colleagues and friends, at St Andrews and more widely, who have helped me to do my best work in research and to contribute to leadership of the field of management.

Find out more about British Academy of Management Fellows.

Paul Hibbert with framed BAM Fellowship