Dr Sharon Leahy

Dr Sharon Leahy

Senior Lecturer

Researcher profile

+44 (0)1334 46 3937



• Associate Dean Students (Science) 2022 to 2025

Research areas

Sharon’s research is concerned with the often hidden social geographies of difference and marginalisation, and the constitution of belonging. Sharon seeks to critically assess the discursive formation and consequent actualisation of difference politically and socially, and its impact on the most forgotten in society. She has acquired a specific interest in the ways in which elites produce and regulate knowledge in nuanced ways, allowing for the legitimisation of particular understandings and practices in relation to migrants and ethnic minority groups. Sharon is researching the bordering practices being normalised through immigration legislation. She is currently interested in revealing the workings of the everywhere border in relation to the UK’s Immigration Acts (2014 & 2016). Sharon would welcome enquiries about research degrees in the following areas; borderwork, state practices in relation to immigration, and the ‘everywhere border’. Please contact her directly to discuss.

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