Dr Althea Davies

Dr Althea Davies

Director of Impact

Senior Lecturer

Researcher profile

+44 (0)1334 46 4946



My main teaching responsibilities:

  • Second year environmental geography (GG2014) and biodiversity and sustainable development (SD2006)
  • Third year environmental/physical geography research methods and residential fieldtrip (GG3211, GG3213)
  • Dissertation supervision
  • MSc Sustainable Development contributor (GD5802)
  • School study abroad officer

Research areas

My research focuses on long-term human-environment interactions and their implications for biodiversity and conservation, and how we deal with biocultural legacies in contemporary environmental management. Current and recent projects include: methods for tracking the role of large herbivores as ecosystem drivers, valuing intact tropical peatlands, and textiles as biocultural heritage.

Better understanding between palaeoecology and ecology is central to my interests. To support this I co-chair the British Ecological Society Palaeoecology Group, and set up the informal Palaeoenvironmental and Archaeological Sciences Scotland (PALASS) Network to connect researchers working in and on Scottish environments. 

PhD supervision

  • Sue Dyke
  • Benjamin Ong
  • Fritha West
  • Kayleigh Letherbarrow
  • Camille Choquet

Selected publications


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