Pecha Kucha Evening November 2023

Pecha Kucha is a visual storytelling format where the speaker tells a story using only 20 images, with 20 seconds to talk about each image. It's designed to be a rapid-fire and fun format, with each talk lasting around six minutes.
The theme for this evening was “Creativity” and our speakers shared memories of their childhood as well as how they are reminded to be playful in their academic and life discoveries. Our modern world places emphasis on hard work and determination, but it is equally important to find things we love doing and to have fun in our daily lives. Speakers included staff, undergraduate and postgraduate students. Light refreshments were served to enable speakers and attendees to network.
Our November 2023 speakers were:
- Dr. Lauren Christie, Monsters Under the Bed: Creativity, Fear and Bibliotherapy in Children's Fiction
- Tancrede Du Monceau, Collective Creativity: The Power of Diverse Minds
- Chase Greenfield, Constraint and Creativity
- Krisztian Kos, Creativity Within and Without Bounds
- Louise Anderbjork, The Creative Journey of a Photographer to Editor-in-Chief
- Qunce Shen, Genesis of Commercial Creativity: Spotlight on the Creative Consultancy Industry
- Dr. Matthew Ylitalo, I'm not feeling all that creative right now!
- Naomi Cooper, An Alpaca and a Dog Escape a Museum…
- Jamie Sullivan, Creativity: The Lifelong Journey to Self-Discovery
- Ananya Darhsan, How creativity can thrive in unexpected environments
- Aurelie Coop, Learning to draw the spaces between the lines
- Nishita Koushik, On Creative Being
- Professor Will Cresswell, Being Creative For Nature