Postgraduate taught courses in Divinity

The School offers a range of one-year, full-time taught postgraduate programmes:

All of these programmes involve taught modules over the academic year, and a final 15,000-word dissertation. 

The School also offers an online taught postgraduate course, which may be taken as a Postgraduate Diploma (coursework only) or an MLitt (coursework and dissertation):

The MLitt is an ideal stepping stone for doctoral studies, as well as an excellent free-standing training course for graduates, professionals, and those in church ministry.

The School also offers a two-year MPhil degree, comprising the taught components of an MLitt in its first year, and a dissertation of about 40,000 words in the second.

How to apply

Subject areas

Most of the School's MLitt and MPhil programmes are delivered by specific institutes or subject groups within the School. You can learn more about these institutes and subject groups, including their staff and students, at their individual websites:

All these groups and institutes also run regular research seminars and offer research degrees.

There are two other institutes or centres which support the School's MLitt programmes:


Details of our School of Divinity MLitt scholarships are available here.