Title |
Author(s) |
A Girl from Glasgow - Morag’s Story | (Kirsteen) Morag Ridings , MA 1965 |
A Life of Two Halves | Dr Nigel Fairweather, MB ChB 1968 |
A Rolling Stone | Geordie Stewart, MA 2013 |
An Ocean Without Shells | Ian Conacher, MB ChB 1971 |
Angola in my Heart | Margaret Skea, MA 1978 |
Arthur Sullivan: A Life of Divine Emollient | Ian Bradley, BD 1989 |
Augustine: The Truth Seeker | Karen Murdarasi, Ancient History MA 2002 |
Beyond the Chalkface | David Bamford, MA 1967, BPhil 1975 |
Borges And Me: An Encounter | Jay Parini, B Phil 1973, PhD 1975 |
Chum - A Memoir | Fergus Boyle, MA 1981 |
Coming Home to Dad | Amanda Pilz, MA 1987 |
Dangerous Women: fifty reflections on women, power and identity | Ben Fletcher-Watson, MA 2003; PhD 2016 |
Dickens's Favourite Blacking Factory | Neil Price, BSc 1974 |
Disraeli’s Disciple: The Scandalous Life of George Smythe | Mary Millar, MA 1961 |
Double Exposure | Brian Johnstone, MA 1973 |
For Love of Soysambu: The Saga of Lord Delamere and his Descendants in Kenya | Juliet Barnes, MA 1985 |
From the Soviet Gulag to Arnhem: A Polish Paratrooper's Epic Wartime Journey | Nicholas Kinloch, BSc (Honours) 1999 |
From There to Here: War, Peace, Pandemic - A Memoir | Romy Wyllie, MA 1955 |
George Gabriel Stokes - Life, Science and Faith | Alastair Wood, BSc 1964, PhD 1968 |
George: The University Years | George Burton, MA Hons French Language and Literature 1976 |
HAVE KNIFE WILL TRAVEL | Hugh Cameron, MB ChB 1969 |
Herbert Ponting: Scott's Antarctic Photographer and Pioneer Filmmaker | Anne Strathie, MA 1970 |
I have the Honour to Be | Thomas Russell, MA 1941 |
In Search of Sisu | Geordie Stewart, MA 2013 |
In the Shade of the Mulberry Tree | Catharine Hughes, BSc 1993 |
Knowledge is Pleasure: Florence Ayscough in Shanghai | Lindsay Shen, MA 1989; PhD 1994 |
Living with Dragons: A Memoir of the Middle Kingdom | Giles Chance, MA 1974 |
Madison Park: A Place of Hope | Eric Motley, MLitt 1998 |
Man, Dog, Stroke | Eric Sinclair, MA 1970 |
Matthew Forster Heddle: Mineralogist and Mountaineer | Hamish Johnston, MA Hons 1967 (French and German) |
Medicine and Mission | Robert Colledge, MA 1972 |
Milkshakes and Morphine: A Memoir of Love and Loss | Genevieve Fox, MA 1987 |
My Incredible Life! Recollections of Internationally Famous K-9 Super Spy Max Decker | Kate Delano-Condax Decker, Junior Year Exchange 1966-1967 |
No Condition is Permanent: Risk, Adventure and return: the Business of Life | Bob Reid, MA 1955, Hon LLD 1987 |
No Dancing, No Dancing: Inside the Global Humanitarian Crisis | Denis Dragovic, PhD 2014 |
Patrick of Ireland: The Boy Who Forgave | Karen Murdarasi, Ancient History MA 2002 |
Saturday's Child by Charlotte Finlay | Jane Shepherd, BSc 1960 |
Scarcely Ever Out of My Thoughts: The Letters of Valda Trevlyn Grieve to Christopher Murray Grieve (Hugh MacDiarmid) | Beth Junor, MA 1979 |
Schliemann of Troy: Treasure and Deceit | David Traill, MA 1964 |
Schoolgirl Days at Milton Mount College 1920-1960 | Rosemary Jordan, BA 1956 |
Scotland's Science | John Mellis, PhD 1984 |
STORIES ABOUT STORYTELLERS: Publishing Alice Munro, Robertson Davies, alistair MacLeod, Pierre Trudeau, and Others | Douglas Gibson, MA 1966 |
THE BIG HOUSE | Hugh Cameron, MB ChB 1969 |
The Dun Cow Rib, A Very Natural Childhood. | John Lister-Kaye , DSc 2006 |
The Elgar Family Diaries 1908-1910 | Paul Chennell, MA 1983 |
The Jane Austen Pocket Bible | Holly Smith, MA 2006, M.Litt 2007 |
The Jane Austen Pocket Bible | Holly Ivins, MA 2006 |
The Opposable Thumb | Ian Conacher, MB ChB 1971 |
THE PADRE WAS A HOOKER | Stephen Blakey, BSc 1974 |
There Is Nothing for You Here: Finding Opportunity in the Twenty-First Century | Fiona Hill, MA 1989 |
Things Held Dear: Soul Stories for My Sons | Roy Herron, No degree, 1975-76 |
This Land of Snow: A Journey Across the North in Winter | Anders Morley, MLitt 2004 |
Under Shading Trees - Twenty years in the Sudans | Fergus Boyle, MA 1981 |
Under The Microscope: Science, Religion and the Origin of Life through the Eyes of Victorian England | Gillian Jones, MA Hons 1966 |
UP-COUNTRY GIRL | Phebean Ogundipe, M.A. (Hons.) 1951 |
Wilfred Owen | Guy Cuthbertson, MA 1998 |