Scottish Funding Council providing full tuition for 7 students on a part-time MLitt Museum and Gallery Studies

7 August 2019

Starting January 2020

Now open for applications!

Seven scholarships for full tuition available from the Scottish Funding Council

Apply here

Deadline: 1st December 2019

Study for a Diploma or MLitt while you work. Use your professional or volunteering experience towards your qualification, learn from practitioners and network with your peers.

The course is aimed at museum and gallery employees (or committed volunteers). Graduates in relevant subjects looking for a career change are also invited to apply. It runs every two years and takes two years to complete to Diploma Level, or two years and five months to include the MLitt.

While your coursework is done at home and in your workplace, participants come to St Andrews for four one-week residential schools. These are held in January and June.

To find out more please contact:

Lynn Ayton
School of Art History
Tel: 01334 462400